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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Jacob Wrestles With God, Sub-junior - I, Lesson - 3


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebekah. He had an elder twin brother named Esau. As the firstborn son of Isaac, Esau had a special privilege called the birthright. Jacob wanted to have that birthright, so he made Esau to sell his birthright for a bowl of red stew. Later, he deceived his father Isaac and received Esau’s special blessings also. Esau got very angry and wanted to kill Jacob. Jacob escaped from Esau and went to his uncle Laban’s house at Haran.

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Jacob wanted to marry one of his uncle's daughters named Rachel. But his uncle tricked him into marrying another daughter named Leah. The deceiver was deceived. Jacob lived in Haran for many years, where his uncle made him to do much hard work. So, one day he decided to return to his father’s house with his family. 

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Jacob was not sure how his brother Esau would receive him. That night, Jacob and his family came near a brook named Jabok. Brook means a “small stream”. Jacob got them all across to the other side, but he stayed behind.

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Suddenly, he came face to face with a man who wrestled with him all night. When the man could not overcome Jacob, he touched Jacob’s thigh and it became twisted. When dawn came, the man could not win, so he said, "Let me go for the dawn is breaking." But Jacob answered, "I will not let you go until you bless me." The man asked for Jacob’s name and Jacob told him his name. The man said that he would no longer be called Jacob, but he would be called Israel, because he had wrestled with God and won. 

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Jacob asked the man his name, the man asked Jacob why he wanted to know his name and he blessed Jacob. Jacob realised that he had wrestled with God all night. Jacob named that place Peniel, which meant "face of God" because he had seen God face to face, but his life had been spared. Jacob had tried in many ways to be blessed, sometimes through cheating and other times through working hard.  But he realized that a person could be truly blessed only by God. 

Bible Reference: Genesis 32

Memory verse:  The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22 NKJV)

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Answer the following questions:

1. Who wanted to kill Jacob?


2. To whose house did Jacob go to in Haran?


3. What was the name of the brook where Jacob stayed

    behind?   ....................................................

4. What was the new name given to Jacob?


5. What does “Peniel” mean?


Fill in the blanks:

1. Jacob made Esau sell his ..................... for a bowl of red stew

2. Near the brook of Jabok, a man .............. with Jacob all night.

3. When the man could not overcome Jacob, he touched Jacob’s .................. and it became twisted.

4. Jacob was called Israel, because he had wrestled with .......... and won.

5. Jacob named the place where he had wrestled with a man as ......................

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