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Sunday, February 2, 2020

How to organize Vacation Bible School (VBS) / Bible Camps / Children's Retreat?


In this post I would like to share some ideas for conducting VBS for the benefit of those who are new in children's ministry.


The VBS is usually conducted for 6 - 7 days. Regular VBS Classes is conducted on the first five or six days and the last day reserved for VBS retreat. Depending on the availability of holidays for students and teachers and resources, VBS could be conducted anywhere between 5 - 10 days. Any month when long leave is available (Summer break, Quarterly break, Christmas break etc.) depending on the country and also when the children have least academic burden is ideal for conducting VBS, so that they can fully benefit from it.  

Conducting VBS sessions for 3 - 4 hours in the morning is better, if time, space and adequate transport facilities are available, so that all the events could be conducted without rushing through. However in countries where morning session is not feasible, VBS could be conducted successfully in the evening also. VBS enrollment forms could be distributed ahead to make advance preparations. VBS is the best opportunity to invite unchurched children to the Church.


The VBS theme could be selected by the Church leaders based on the vision of the Church, yearly promise verse or as led by the Holy Spirit. After the main VBS theme is finalized, sub-themes for each of the days should be selected. This would help in preparing the meditation sessions and daily lessons for the VBS. A verse from the Bible that best explains the main VBS theme is selected as the theme verse for the VBS and is prominently displayed. 



THEME VERSE: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). 

THEME SONG: There were twelve disciples Jesus called to help him................


DAY -1: Jesus Calls His Disciples

            Lesson for Primary class (6 - 7 years): Jesus calls Simon Peter

          Memory Verse: Matthew 4: 19  

          Lesson for Super-senior class (16 - 17 years): Nicodemus visits Jesus

          Memory Verse: I John 3:9 

DAY -2: Disciples Obey Jesus' Teachings 

             Lesson for Primary Class (6 - 7 Years): The Wise and the Foolish Builders

             Memory Verse: John 8:31

             Lesson for Super-senior class (16 - 17 years): The Parable of the Rich Fool

            Memory Verse: I Timothy 6:17 -19

DAY -3: Disciples Imitate Christ

            Lesson for Primary Class (6 - 7 Years): Paul and Silas in Prison

            Memory Verse: John 14:12a

            Lesson for Super-senior class (16 - 17 years): Stephen Forgives His Persecutors

            Memory Verse: I Peter 2:12

DAY -4: Disciples bear the fruit of the Spirit

            Lesson for Primary Class (6 - 7 Years): What is the Fruit of the Spirit?

            Memory Verse: John 15:8

            Lesson for Super-senior class (16 - 17 years): The Fruit of the Spirit - The Nine Visible Attributes of a Christian Life

            Memory Verse: John 15:16

DAY -5: The Disciples share their Faith

            Lesson for Primary Class (6 - 7 Years): Philip and the Minister of Candace

            Memory Verse: Psalm 119:46

            Lesson for Super-senior class (16 - 17 years): Apostle Peter & Cornelius - Good News for the Gentiles

            Memory Verse: Acts 15:8,9

Note: Similar lessons are prepared for all the age groups Kinder (4 -5 years), Primary ( 6 -7 years), Sub-junior (8 -9 years), Junior (10 -11 years), Intermediate (12 -13 years), Senior (14 -15 years), Superseniors (16 - 17 years). 


A song that best explains the theme could be made into a theme song. There is no need to create or write new songs for VBS, already existing songs that are related to the theme could be very well used. It is a recent trend to specially compose VBS songs using catchy phrases and trendy words. But these songs are rarely used after VBS days. So it would be a waste of time and energy to forcefully compose songs for a theme, if these songs are not birthed under the influence of the Holy Spirit. 


VBS workbooks could be prepared with the following information

  • VBS Theme / Theme verse / Theme song
  • VBS dates / Year
  • List 15 - 20 songs related to the theme for the song session
  • Theme for the day with lessons, memory verse and space to attach their crafts if possible (Eg: Day 1: Theme for the Day, Lesson, Memory Verse, Craft; then Day 2 and so on...)
  • Few empty sheets for taking notes
  • Name of the Church / Organisation conducting VBS with contact details

If resources are not available for preparing workbooks, VBS could be conducted smoothly with printed worksheets also, but these should be planned and prepared in advance.

  • Starting Prayer
  • 30 minutes - Common Song Session for all the children together (first 15 minutes action songs concentrating on junior classes and below; last 15 minutes worship songs concentrating on senior classes; the theme song is taught on the first day and every day the song session could start with the theme song)
  • 30 minutes - Meditation on the Theme for the day. During this session the children are divided into two groups: First group - Junior and below (11 years and below); Second group - Intermediate and above (12 years and above). The theme of the day is introduced to the children during this session, with a small meditation session conducted separately for these two groups. For the younger children puppet shows and other visual aides could be used to explain the theme for the day. For older children this could be an interactive session with worksheets and questionnaires.
  • 40 minutes - Classes For VBS classes the children are divided into different classes based on their age and pre-prepared lessons are taught. This session could include a lesson based on a Bible story according to the theme of the day, memory verse and crafts. If the number of children exceeded 8 then the class was split into two. 
  • Last 20 minutes - Missionary Story This is usually conducted as a serial story, where the life history of a missionary is split and shared for the entire length of VBS days. The story could be told orally with the help of charts and pictures or it could be videos also.

(Depending on the time available, the sessions could be made longer. Puppet shows, balloon craft, Bible quiz and fun games etc. could also be conducted every day; The transition between each event will also be smooth and not in a hurry)


VBS retreat is normally conducted on the last day of the VBS. Special programmes including Puppet shows, Fun  games and Bible quiz are conducted on that day. Children could be taken for outings on this day and programmes could be conducted there. Sufficient parent volunteers or other volunteers from the Church should be available if children are taken outside the Church premises for retreat.


For craft, worksheets pictures and coloring pages that are already available on the internet could be used. The craft time would be smooth, if the basic work is done ahead with the help of volunteers, so that the children just have to do the assembling work. The children can be encouraged to bring their own art and craft supplies, the teachers may have few extra supplies for children who are unable to bring.


For teaching VBS classes, instead of using regular Sunday School teachers, brothers and sisters from the Church who are interested in teaching children and who are otherwise unable to be a part of Sunday School could be used. This elicits the interest of children, so that they don't view the VBS as another routine Sunday School Class. The individuals chosen to teach VBS should be given training on how to conduct these classes. It would be better if there is an additional teacher in all the junior classes to help with the crafts work.


Sunday Schools and VBS would be better off without exams and memory verse test. The model of Secular schools should not be followed in Sunday schools. Conducting exams and giving prizes to few children would defeat the purpose of VBS to include and encourage "all" the children. Not getting first mark or not getting prizes in VBS should not discourage a child from the Kingdom of God. So every effort by the children to learn the word of God and attend the VBS could be encouraged with certificates or gifts. It is better to get families from the Church to sponsor the gifts. Christian books are great gifts for children, even if other gifts are given it is always advisable to add a book along with it. 


Healthy take away snacks usually preferred by children could be given. Prior information should be obtained about any food allergy in the VBS enrolment form.


If transport is arranged from the Church, only reliable and responsible individuals should be used. Children should be sent only with parental consent. 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a seed that has inherent life and power in it and it is not limited by our limitations.

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