AGE: 4 - 5
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Cain and Abel were brothers.
They were the sons of Adam and Eve. Do you know who is Adam and Eve? They were
the first man and woman created by God. When Cain and Abel grew up, Cain became
a farmer and planted crops. Abel became a shepherd and he reared cattle.
One day Cain and Abel wanted
to give something special to God and brought offerings to God. Have you
seen people giving offerings in the Church? Cain brought some of the produce of
his land. But Abel wanted the offering to be really special, so he chose
the firstborn of his flock that were the fattest. Abel brought the best offering for God. God was very happy with
Abel because he honoured God and accepted Abel's offering.
Bible Reference: Genesis 4:1 - 16
Memory Verse: For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another (I John 3:11 NKJV).
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