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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Abraham Prays For Sodom and Gomorrah, Junior - I, Lesson - 4


AGE: 10 - 11 YEARS


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Abraham was one of the descendants of Noah and he was living in a place called Ur (in modern day Iraq). His name was Abram before God changed it to Abraham. Even though God had already destroyed the earth once with flood because of wickedness, people continued to sin. Everyone forgot about the God who created them and they worshipped their own gods. Among those people, God found Abraham to be faithful and He revealed Himself to Abraham. God told Abraham to leave his own country and tribe and to go to the place where he would show him. So, he started the journey with his wife Sarai, father Terah and nephew Lot. 

During his journey, Abraham had stopped at a place called Mamre and pitched his tent there. One day during the heat of the day, as he was sitting at the entrance of his tent, he saw three men standing nearby. The Holy Bible says it is the Lord Himself who visited Abraham. 

When Abraham saw them, he ran towards them, welcomed them and told them not to leave until he brought them some water to wash their feet and food to refresh them before they continued their journey. In the olden days, people had to travel long distances by foot and there were no hotels to take rest or refresh themselves. They were at the mercy of the strangers in the cities they visited. Usually guests were welcomed and taken care of. The three visitors agreed to Abraham’s invitation. 

Abraham quickly prepared a meal for them, bread and roasted meat along with some butter and milk. Abraham stood there as they ate and one of the men told Abraham that his wife Sarah was soon going to have a son.  


Then the men got up and started their journey towards a city called Sodom. The Lord decided not to hide his plan from Abraham because Abraham was going to become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth would be blessed through him. The Lord told Abraham that he had heard a great outcry from Sodom and Gomorrah because of their wicked ways and he was going to check out on that city. 

As Abraham was speaking to the Lord, the other men went towards the direction of Sodom. Abraham realized that God was angry with the people of Sodom and the city was going to be destroyed soon. Abraham started to plead and bargain with God for the people of Sodom. Abraham asked God whether he would destroy the city if 50 righteous men were there. God replied that if he found 50 righteous men in Sodom, he would spare that place. But Abraham was not sure whether there were 50 righteous men in Sodom, so he asked God if he would destroy that place if forty – five righteous people were there. God answered, “No!” 

Again, Abraham reduced the number of righteous men from 45 to 40 and then to 30. Again, he asked God if there were only 20 righteous people whether the city would be destroyed. God replied, “No!” For the final time Abraham asked God whether the city would be destroyed if there were only 10 righteous men. God promised that for the sake of that 10 righteous men the city would not be destroyed. But the city was so corrupt that except Abraham’s nephew Lot none of them were righteous. God couldn’t find even ten righteous men to save the city. But God remembered Abraham’s prayers and wanted to spare Lot from destruction.

The angels who came to Sodom told Lot to immediately leave Sodom. When the time of destruction drew near, Lot was still hesitating to leave Sodom. So, the angels had to physically drag Lot, his wife, and his two daughters out of the city. God let Lot and his family escape and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with brimstone and fire from heaven. As they fled, Lot’s wife turned to look back at Sodom and was turned into a pillar of salt.

Lot's wife who was turned to a pillar of salt on Mount Sedom in Israel near the Dead sea.
 Picture credit: Creative Commons License

Bible Reference: Genesis 18, 19

Memory Verse: Therefore confess your ……………… prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16 NKJV)


Fill in the blanks:

1.     Abraham had moved to a place called ……………….. and pitched his tent there.

2.   The other men went towards the direction of …………………

3. Sodom was so corrupt that except Abraham’s nephew ………… none of them were righteous.

4. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with ……………….. and …………………. from heaven.

Give short answers:

1. Who travelled with Abraham from Ur?


2. What did Abraham tell the three visitors?


3. What was the meal given by Abraham to the three visitors?


4. Why did the Lord visit Sodom?


Answer in brief:

1. How did Abraham plead with God for Sodom and Gomorrah?



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