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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Abram and Lot, Primary - I, Lesson - 3


AGE: 6 - 7 YEARS


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Abraham was called as Abram before God changed his name. Abram lived in a place called Ur. God told Abram to leave his country and go to another place. So, Abram started the long journey with his wife Sarai. Abram's nephew, Lot also travelled along with him. Abram was a very rich man with lots of silver, gold, and cattle. Lot had lots of animals, too. 

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There wasn’t enough grass and water for both their cattle and often there was fight between their shepherds. They decided it would be better to separate and go in different directions. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

They had to choose the land where they were going to live. Abram was older and had all the authority. He could have chosen the land first, but he trusted God and let his nephew choose the land first. Lot looked around in all the directions and chose a beautiful valley with lots of trees with a city to the East called Sodom and Gomorrah, while Abram ended up with a desolate place which didn’t look luscious or green and also didn’t have much water. 

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But Lot didn’t know that the people of Sodom were wicked and because of their sinful ways God was going to destroy them soon with fire. 

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Lot had to face lot of difficulties in Sodom and his life was spared only because of the prayers of Abraham. We should not be selfish and should be kind and concerned about others. 

Bible Reference: Genesis 13:5-18 

Memory Verse: He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered. (Proverbs 28:26 NKJV) 

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(If children have difficulty doing the following activity as a written exercise, the activities can be done orally) 

Answer the following:

 1.       What was the name of Abraham before God changed it?



2.     Who was Lot? ……………………………………..


3.     Who chose the land first? ………………………………….


4.     What kind of people lived in Sodom?



5.    Who prayed for Lot’s life to be spared? ……………………

 Fill in the Blanks:

 1. Abram lived in a place called ...........

2. Abram started the long journey with his wife ............

 3. ................. was older, and more powerful and had the right to choose the land first.

 4. .......... chose a beautiful valley with lots of trees with a city to the East.

5. Lot’s life was spared only because of the prayers of   ..................


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