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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Isaac and Abimelech, Primary - I, Lesson - 4


AGE: 6 - 7 YEARS


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Isaac was the son of Abraham. Isaac went to live in the land of the Philistines when there was a famine in his own land. The Lord blessed Isaac with lots of cattle and wealth. Abimelech was the king of the Philistines. The Philistines got jealous because of Isaac’s many blessings and they wanted to hurt Isaac. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Isaac’s servants had dug wells to draw water for the cattle. The Philistines filled the water wells with dirt. It would have been frustrating for the servants to see the wells covered up after all their hard work. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Abimelech told Isaac to go away from that place. Isaac and his family, servants, and cattle needed water and a safe place to stay without disturbance from the Philistines. So, they moved to a valley called Gerar. God was with Isaac and blessed him in the new place also. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Abimelech, King of the Philistines understood that God was with Isaac. He came to visit Isaac. Isaac was surprised by Abimelech’s visit and wanted to know why Abimelech had come there because he had hated Isaac and driven him away. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Abimelech and his men replied that they wanted to make peace with Isaac because they had certainly seen that the Lord was with Isaac. They promised Isaac that they will not harm or disturb him. Isaac’s enemies became his friends because he was patient and kind.


Bible Reference: Genesis 26:12-17; 26- 31


Memory Verse: When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7 NKJV) 



(If children have difficulty doing the following activity as a written exercise, the activities can be done orally) 


Answer the following:


1. Whose son was Isaac?


2. What was the name of the Philistine King?


3. What did the Philistines do to the water wells?


4. What is the name of the valley where Isaac and his family moved to?


5. Who came to visit Isaac?


Answer Yes or No 


1. Philistines were happy with Isaac’s blessings (       )

2. God was with Isaac. (       )

3. Abimelech’s servants dug the water wells. (        )

4. Abimelech came to visit Isaac (      )

5. Isaac’s enemies became his friends (       )

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