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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Joseph Forgives His Brothers, Sub-junior - I, Lesson - 4


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. His father loved him very much and made a colorful coat for him. His elder brothers became jealous of him. One day he dreamt that his brothers would bow to him. This made his brothers even more furious and they wanted to kill him. His brothers got an opportunity to harm him, when Joseph's father sent him with some supplies for his brothers, who were herding sheep faraway. 

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When Joseph’s brothers were planning to kill him, his eldest brother Reuben took pity on him and saved him from their hands. Joseph's brothers somehow wanted to get rid of him, so they threw him inside a pit.

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Later, Joseph's brothers saw some Midianite merchants going to Egypt with their ware and they sold Joseph as a slave to them for twenty pieces of silver. The Midianites took Joseph to Egypt and sold him as a slave to a man named Potiphar.  Potiphar was an important official of the Egyptian Pharaoh.

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One day Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of a mistake he did not do and he was thrown into a prison. But God was with Joseph. Sometime later, Pharaoh, the King of Egypt had a dream and asked Joseph for the interpretation of the dream. Joseph told the meaning of the dream to Pharaoh. He said that there was going to be famine in Egypt for seven years and before that there would be seven years of plenty.

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Joseph told Pharaoh to store food for the years of famine. Pharaoh was pleased that he could understand the meaning of the dream because of Joseph and made Joseph the Second-in-command of Egypt. During the years of good harvest, Joseph stored grains for the years of famine. Meanwhile, there was famine even in Canaan where Joseph’s family lived. So, Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to buy food grain. 

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Joseph was Second-in-command of Egypt and in charge of selling the grain. His brothers came to Joseph and bowed before him. Though Joseph knew who they were, his brothers couldn’t identify him. Later Joseph revealed himself to his brothers. They were afraid that Joseph would hurt them. Instead, Joseph told them that he had forgiven them and will not hurt them. Joseph said to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.

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Joseph brought his entire family to Egypt and they lived in happiness and peace. Joseph was doubly blessed because he was honored in Egypt and he had won the love of his brothers also.

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Bible Reference: Genesis 41-45
Memory Verse: And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also. (I John 4:21 NKJV)


Answer the following questions: 

1.    How many sons did Jacob have?  .............................

2.  What did Jacob make for Joseph because he loved him?


     3.  Where was Joseph taken to as a slave? ……………………

     4.  How many years did the famine last? ...........................

     5.   Did Joseph forgive his brothers? .......................................

Fill in the blanks:

1. Joseph was one of the ................... sons of Jacob.

    a. 7                         b. 12                        c. 2

2. Joseph was sold as a slave in Egypt to a man named

    a. Pharaoh            b. Peniel                 c. Potiphar

3. The King made Joseph the ....................of Egypt.

    a. Priest                 b. God               c. Second-in-command

4. Joseph told the king to store ............ for the years of    


     a. Food                b. Weapons             c. Money

5. Joseph’s brothers came to .............. to buy food grain.

     a. Canaan            b. Egypt                  c. Haran

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