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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Budding of Aaron's Rod, Primary - I, Lesson - 9


AGE: 6 - 7 YEARS


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The Israelites were travelling through a large desert on their way to Canaan. There were many difficulties on the way. Moses their leader sorted everything with the help of God and led them through the desert. God told Moses to appoint his brother Aaron as the High Priest of Israel. A High Priest is someone specially appointed to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people and to bring messages from God. They even had special robes to wear.

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

But some of the Israelite leaders were not happy when Aaron was appointed as the High Priest of Israel. They thought that they should have been given the chance to be the High Priest and not Aaron. So, some of the people started to protest against Moses and Aaron. Protest means speaking against and creating trouble. A man named Korah led the protest. He was also an important man in Israel. Many other leaders of Israel also joined him. Soon their number grew to 250. 


But God was not happy with Korah and his followers. God made the ground to open and swallow Korah and his followers. But God wanted to make it clear that he had chosen Aaron and his sons to be priests. So, God told Moses to ask the leaders of all the tribes of Israel to bring their rod and for the tribe of Levi, Aaron had to bring his rod. 


Then they had to put all the rods in front of the Ark of the Covenant. God told them that the rod of the man whom He has chosen as priest will grow flowers. When Moses looked the next morning, Aaron’s rod had not only flowered but almonds were growing out of it! There after the Israelite people did not complain about Aaron being the High Priest.


Bible Reference: Numbers 16, 17

Memory Verse: Do not say, “I will recompense evil”;
Wait for the Lord, and He will save you. (Proverbs 20:22)



Answer the following questions:


1.    Who was appointed as the High Priest of Israel?



2.  Who led the protest against Moses and Aaron?



3.  How many leaders joined Korah?



4.  On behalf of which tribe, Aaron brought his rod?



5.   What happened to Aaron’s rod?



1. Moses                              Special Robe


2. Aaron                              Protest


3. Korah                              Almond


4. High Priest                     Leader of Israel


5. Rod                                  Tribe of Levi   





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