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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Israel's Disbelief & Forty Years of Wilderness, Intermediate - I, Lesson - 8


AGE: 12 - 13 YEARS


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The Israelites were travelling from Egypt to the promised land, Canaan. Moses, their leader was leading them through a desert. One year had passed since the Israelites left Egypt and they were camping at a place called Kadesh in the Paran Desert. They were almost near the promised land when God told Moses to send 12 men from each of the Israelite tribes to explore the promised land, Canaan. The twelve tribes of Israel were formed through the descendants of Jacob. Ten sons of Jacob namely Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Benjamin, Zebulun, Dan, Asher, Naphthali and Gad; and two sons of Joseph named Ephraim and Manasseh formed the twelve tribes of Israel.

Moses sends 12 men to Canaan

Twelve men were selected from the twelve tribes, one for each tribe as Moses had commanded to explore the promised land. Caleb, son of Jephunneh was chosen as the leader for the tribe of Judah and Hoshea, son of Nun was selected as a leader from the tribe of Ephraim. Hoshea was later called as Joshua by Moses. Moses told the men, the twelve leaders of the tribes to go up to the mountains and find out whether the people who lived there were strong or weak and also whether they lived in cities or in camps. He also wanted to know about the soil, whether there were lots of trees etc. He also told them to bring back some of the produce of the land. It was the season of the first ripe grapes.

Twelve Men Explore the Land

The twelve men went and explored the land from the wilderness of Zin and then they came to Hebron. They found that Ahiman, Sheshai and Talmai, the descendants of a giant named Anak lived there. Then they travelled and reached the valley of Eshcol. They cut down a branch with a single cluster of grapes so large that it took two men to carry it on a pole between them. They also brought back some of the pomegranates and figs. That place was called the valley of Eshcol, because of the cluster of grapes that was cut there.

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Ten Men Bring Bad Report

The twelve men explored the land for forty days and they returned to Moses . They reported to the people what they had seen in the land and also showed them the fruit they had brought from the land. They started by giving a positive report and said that it is a bountiful country and a land flowing with milk and honey. But ten of the twelve leaders who had visited the land were doubtful whether they could possess the land. They said that the towns were large and fortified and that many powerful nations lived there. They said that the land would devour anyone who went to live there. They also added that they had seen giants living there and next to them they felt like they were grasshoppers. Ten of the twelve leaders except Joshua and Caleb brought a very bad and dreadful report about the land and spread it among the Israelites.

The Israelites Disheartened

The Israelites were disheartened hearing this and they started to weep aloud. They wept the whole night. They felt that they should have either died in Egypt or at least in the desert rather than going for a battle and dying at the hands of those giants. They couldn’t bear the thought of their wives and children being taken away as captives. They decided it would be better to go back to Egypt. They planned to select a new leader and go back to Egypt. Moses and Aaron fell face down on the ground before the Israelites.

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Joshua and Caleb Assure the People

Joshua and Caleb, two of the leaders who had explored the land along with the other ten leaders were confident that they could easily possess the land. They tried to assure the Israelites by saying that it is a wonderful land flowing with milk and honey. They also said that the Lord would give it to them if he was pleased with them. They pleaded with the people not to rebel against God. They encouraged the people not to be afraid of the inhabitants of Canaan. They said that those people would become their prey, because they have no protection, but as for the Israelites God is with them. But the Israelites were so discouraged about the situation that they began to talk about stoning Joshua and Caleb.

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God’s Punishment - Forty Years of Wilderness Journey

Then the glorious presence of the Lord appeared at the Tabernacle. God told Moses that he wanted to destroy the Israelites because they refused to believe Him and they were constantly rebelling against Him. God wanted to make Moses into a great nation. But Moses pleaded with God and asked Him to show mercy towards the Israelites. Because of Moses’ intercession they were not destroyed. But God decreed that none of the Israelites who had rebelled against him would enter Canaan and all of them would die in the desert. Only their children would enter the promised land, Canaan. God also said that based on the number of days the men explored the land i.e. forty days, the Israelites have to wander in the desert for forty years bearing the consequences of their sins. The ten men who went to explore the land and spread the bad report and thereby inciting rebellion against the Lord died of a plague, only Caleb and Joshua remained alive. When Moses told the people about what God had told them, they were filled with grief. The Israelites got up early the next morning, they went to the top of the hill and once again rebelled against God and tried to enter the promised land. The Amalekites and the Canaanites who lived in those hills, came and attacked the Israelites and chased them away. Hence the Israelites returned back to their camp and started their forty years of wilderness journey.

Bible Reference: Numbers 13 & 14

Memory Verse: But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it. (Numbers 14:24 NKJV)

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Fill in the blanks:

1. …………………, son of Nun was selected as a leader from the tribe of Ephraim.

2. That place was called the valley of …………………, because of the cluster of grapes that was cut there.

3. The ten men said that they had seen giants living there and next to them they felt like they were ……………………

4. God said that the Israelites have to wander in the desert for ……………… years.

Give short answers:

1. What did Moses ask the 12 men to find out from the land?


2. What did the twelve men bring from Eshcol?


3. Who were the giants who lived in Canaan?


4. Why did God send the Israelites on a forty-year wilderness journey?


Answer in brief:

1. Why were the Israelites disheartened? How did Joshua and Calen try to assure the Israelites?

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