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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Jacob's Dream, Kinder - I, Lesson - 5


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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Click this link to get Kinder lessons from 1 - 15

Once Jacob had to leave his home and travel to a faraway land. Jacob was travelling alone. In the olden days travel was much different. They did not have all the means of transport we have today. Can you name some of the means of transport we use today? In the olden days people would travel on the backs of beasts of burden like horses, donkeys etc. or on the carts drawn by them. But people who could not afford those had to travel by foot.

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Jacob was going to his uncle’s house at a faraway place. Jacob was tired after a long travel and went to sleep. Jacob had nothing comfortable to sleep on. He took a stone and kept it as his pillow. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.
While Jacob was sleeping, he saw a dream. In that dream he saw a ladder. The ladder was so tall that it reached heaven and there were many angels on the ladder. Some of them where climbing up towards heaven, while others were coming towards the earth. It would have been such a glorious sight!
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

More than that, Jacob saw God Himself standing above everything. God spoke to Jacob. God said that he would watch over Jacob, provide for him and help him come back home. Jacob was very happy. God fulfilled his promise. After many years Jacob came back safe to his father's home. He even built an altar on the very place where God gave him the promise in a dream. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Bible Reference: Genesis 28:11-22

Memory Verse: My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth – Psalm 121:2 (NKJV)

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