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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Shiphrah & Puah - The Godly Midwives, Sub-junior - I, Lesson - 5


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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We learnt in the previous lesson about how Joseph the young boy who was sold into slavery by his brothers became the Second-in-command of Egypt. Later, Joseph's brothers had to visit Egypt because of a famine. Joseph forgave his brothers and asked them to come and live with him in Egypt. Joseph’s family including Joseph’s father Jacob, his brothers and their families left Canaan and went to live in Egypt. The number of men who entered Egypt was about 70. But soon their number increased and in 400 years their number was about 20,00,000.

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The Pharaoh who reigned in Egypt during the days of Joseph died and there was a new Pharaoh in Egypt, who did not know about Joseph's contributions to Egypt. He became concerned that there were too many Israelites in Egypt. He feared that in event of war, such a great number of people could easily turn against him and help their enemies. Pharaoh decided to keep the Israelites under control through oppression.

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The Israelites were made slaves and were compelled to do heavy labor.  They were forced to build the royal store cities of Pithom and Raamses under cruel conditions. They were treated badly by the taskmasters set over them. However, the more the Egyptians oppressed the children of Israel, the more they grew in number and strength. Pharaoh’s plan didn’t work. But the Pharaoh somehow wanted to control the number of Israelites, so he devised a wicked plan to kill all the Hebrew baby boys.

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The Pharaoh commanded the Hebrew midwives named Shiphrah and Puah to kill all the baby boys right after they were born. Midwives are those who help the mothers to deliver their babies. The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the Pharaoh told them to do; they let the boys live.

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The Pharaoh was angry and he summoned the midwives and asked them why they had let the boys live. The midwives thought of an answer and told Pharaoh that the Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are stronger and so the babies were born even before the midwives arrived. Pharaoh believed the midwives and their lives were spared from death.

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The midwives were brave enough to defy the orders of Pharaoh and saved the baby boys because they wanted to be righteous and do the right thing. They wanted to obey God more than Pharaoh. God was kind to the midwives and their families were also blessed and they became prosperous in the land.

Bible Reference: Exodus 1: 15 - 21

Memory verse: He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8 NKJV)


Answer the following questions:

1.    Where did Joseph’s family go to live?  .....................................

2.   What were the names of the Royal store cities the Israelites were forced to build? …………………………

3.  Name the Hebrew midwives. ……………………………

4.  Who did the Pharaoh want to kill?


5.   Did the Pharaoh believe the midwives?


State True or False:

1.    The new Pharaoh did not know about Joseph's contributions to Egypt.

2.  The Israelites were treated kindly by their task masters.

3.  Pharaoh decided to let the Israelites flourish (to multiply and increase in number).

4.  The midwives did not fear God.

5.   God was kind to the midwives and their families were blessed.

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