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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

God Tests Abraham, Sub-junior - I, Lesson - 2


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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Abraham is called as the “Father of faith”. Do you know why? 

Abraham and Sarah had a baby boy, Isaac when they were very old. One day God decided to test Abraham to see if he really loved Him more than anyone. God told Abraham, to take his only son Isaac, go to a mountain in the region of Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice. God was trying to see whether Abraham would obey Him. But Abraham did not hesitate to do what God asked him to do. 

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Early the next morning, Abraham saddled his donkey and cut enough wood for the burnt offering. Then he took Isaac and his two servants and went to Moriah. After Abraham had travelled for three days, he could see the place from a distance. He told his servants, to stay there with the donkey. Abraham took the wood and placed it on his son, Isaac and he carried the fire and the knife. Then he and Isaac went up the mountain.      

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As they were climbing up, Isaac asked where the lamb for the burnt offering was. Abraham replied to him that God himself would provide for the burnt offering. When they reached the place, Abraham built an altar. 

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Then he tied up Isaac and put him on the altar. Abraham was about to kill Isaac when an angel shouted from heaven saying, “Abraham! Don’t kill your son or hurt him. Now I know that you fear God, because you didn't withhold even your only son from me".

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Then Abraham saw a ram caught by its horns in a bush nearby. He offered it as a sacrifice on the altar instead of Isaac. Abraham named the place Jehovah Jireh. It means ‘God will provide what is needed.” 

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God blessed Abraham and promised him that his descendants would be as numerous as stars. God fulfilled that promise and today there are many nations who descended from Abraham. Because of his unwavering faith in God, Abraham is called the 'Father of Faith'.

Bible Reference: Genesis 22:1-19
Memory Verse: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength (Deuteronomy 6:5 NKJV) 


Answer the following questions:

1.    What was the name of Abraham and Sarah’s son?


2.  Where did God tell Abraham to take his only son?


3.  God told Abraham to offer whom as a sacrifice?


4.  Where did Abraham find the ram?


5.   What was the name given to the place where Abraham offered the sacrifice?

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 Answer Yes or No


1. Abraham is called the Father of faith (    )

2. Abraham’s servants carried the wood to Moriah (    )

    3. Abraham was worried that God would not give a lamb

        for burnt offering (    )

4. Abraham offered a bull as a sacrifice instead of Isaac (   )

5. Abraham loved God more than Isaac. (    )



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