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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

God Created the World, Kinder - I, Lesson - 2


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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Click this link to get Kinder lessons from 1 - 15

God is our creator. He made us. God created everything we see around us. God made the earth, sun, moon, stars, animals, plants, nature and every living thing in this world. 

John Paul Stanley / YoPlace.com.

God completed his creation in six days and rested on the seventh day. So, God blessed the seventh day and made it Holy. Do you know who were the first man and woman to be created on earth? If you said “Adam” and “Eve”, You are correct! 

John Paul Stanley / YoPlace.com.

Do you know about the place God made for them to live? Was it a hut or a cave or a garden? 

John Paul Stanley / YoPlace.com.

We should be thankful to God for all of His awesome and beautiful creations. God will be happy when we protect and take care of nature and all of God's creations!

Bible Reference: Genesis 1
Memory Verse: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1 NKJV)

Note to teachers: Before beginning this lesson, ask the children whether they have visited any park or any other scenic tourist spots. Question them about the beautiful natural things they have seen there. Then ask them whether they know how they came to be or who created them? After interacting with them introduce the lesson about creation. After that, the teachers can do the following activity to help the children understand the concept of creation.

4 - 5 year old children may find it difficult to understand words like "creation", hence it will be beneficial if a small activity could be done at the beginning of the class to make the children understand the word "creation".
Materials Needed: Plain Paper & Crayons / Colour Pencils

Activity: Give a sheet of paper to each child and ask them to draw the picture of a doll or a baby. When the child finishes drawing, write down the name of each child below his / her drawing saying....

This is Sarah's creation

This is John's creation

Then explain to the children saying that "creation is making something with our efforts; God also created everything we see around us with his words and created us with His own Hands".


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