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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Baby Moses in the Basket, Kinder - I, Lesson - 7


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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Amram and Jochebed were Israelites (which means they were from a place called Israel) who lived in Egypt. They had a little boy named Aaron and a little girl called Miriam. Soon there was another baby in the house. It was a boy. But they were not happy. Do you know why?

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There was a King in Egypt called the Pharaoh. Pharaoh didn’t like the Israelites, so he told them to throw all the baby boys in the Nile River (a river in Egypt). But the little baby’s (later named Moses) mother Jochebed somehow wanted to protect him.

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Jochebed made a strong basket out of bulrushes (a reed or a tall grass) and placed the baby in the basket. Then she kept the basket in the reeds by the banks of the Nile River. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

The Princess of Egypt, who came there for a bath found the baby. 

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She took pity on him, carried him home and brought him up as her son. She named him Moses.  God protected the little baby Moses from harm.

Bible Reference: Exodus 2: 1-10

Memory Verse: The Lord shall preserve you from all evil (Psalm 121:7a NKJV)

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