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Friday, May 1, 2020

Joseph Tests His Brothers, Intermediate - I, Lesson - 5


AGE: 12 - 13 YEARS


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Joseph was the son of Jacob and the grandson of Isaac. He had 10 elder half-brothers, one elder half-sister and one younger brother. Joseph’s mother Rachel died, when his younger brother Benjamin was born. Joseph’s father loved him very much and made a beautiful colorful coat for him. When Joseph’s 10 older brothers saw how much their father loved Joseph, they began to be jealous of Joseph and hated him. 

Joseph’s Dreams:

Joseph saw two dreams which seemed to show that his family would bow before him someday. His brothers became furious. Even his father did not understand him and scolded him. “What kind of dream is that?” he asked. “Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow to the ground before you?” But while his brothers were jealous of Joseph, his father wondered what the dreams meant. 

Joseph’s Jealous Brothers:

One day when Joseph’s older brothers were taking care of their father’s sheep, Jacob asked Joseph to go and see how they were doing and bring back message. When Joseph’s brothers saw him coming, even before he came near them, they plotted to kill him. But Reuben their eldest brother stopped them from killing him. So, they sold Joseph to some Ishmaelite merchants for 20 pieces of silver instead. Joseph’s brothers killed a goat, dipped Joseph’s coat in the goat’s blood and made their father believe that Joseph was dead.  

Joseph becomes the Second-in-command of Egypt:

The Ishmaelite merchants took Joseph to Egypt and sold him as a slave to Potiphar, an important official of Pharaoh. Joseph was wrongly accused of a mistake he did not do by Potiphar’s wife and he was thrown into a prison. But God did not forsake Joseph. Pharaoh saw a dream and none of his ministers or magicians could interpret it. God helped Joseph to interpret the dream and Pharaoh made him Second-in-Command of Egypt. Through the dream God revealed that there was going to be a severe famine that would last seven years and before that there would be seven years of plenty. 

Joseph’s Brothers visit Egypt for Food:

There was famine in Canaan too where Joseph’s brothers were living. Joseph’s brothers had to travel to Egypt to buy food. They bought food from Joseph who was now second-in-command to Pharaoh. But his brothers did not recognize him and they came and bowed down before him. Joseph immediately recognized his brothers. Joseph wanted to know if his 10 elder brothers were still jealous and unkind. 

Joseph Acts Rude:

Joseph provoked his brothers by accusing them that they were spies and that they had come to find where the country was weak. They tried to defend themselves by saying that they were all brothers and they were authentic. They even told him that they had a youngest brother at home with their father. Joseph pretended not to believe them. He kept the youngest of the brothers named Simeon in prison, and let the others take their food sack and go home in Canaan but with a condition that when they come back, they must bring their youngest brother with them. When they returned home, they told their father Jacob everything that happened. Jacob was very sad because he didn’t want to send Benjamin with them. But when their food got over, Jacob was forced to send Benjamin to Egypt. 

Joseph Tests his Brothers:

Joseph’s brothers brought Benjamin along with them and prostrated before him and bowed down before him. When Joseph saw his younger brother Benjamin, he couldn’t contain himself. But still he wanted to test his 10 older brothers. He had his servants fill up all their sacks with food. He also had his special silver cup put into Benjamin’s sack. After they all left and had gone a little distance on the road, Joseph sent his servants after them. Joseph’s brothers got frightened when the servants accused them of stealing their master’s silver cup. 

Brothers bow before Joseph:

The brothers told the servants to search their sacks. When they searched the sacks, they found the cup in Benjamin’s sack. The servants said that Benjamin must go with them to face justice. But the brothers couldn’t send him alone. So, all of them went to Joseph’s house with Benjamin and they bowed down before Joseph. Joseph tested his brothers to see whether they would return home without their brother Benjamin. He told his brothers that all of them could go home except Benjamin. Judah, one of Joseph’s brothers pleaded with him and said that they could never go home without their brother Benjamin because their father would die if Benjamin didn’t go home. Judah was willing to take the place of Benjamin. 

Joseph Reveals Himself:

Joseph couldn’t restrain himself anymore and he started to cry loudly. He revealed himself to his brothers and spoke kindly to them. He gave them gifts also and told them to go to Canaan and bring their father to Egypt. His brothers did just as Joseph told them and they came and settled in a place called Goshen in Egypt.

Even though Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and sold him as a slave, they could not stop God’s plan for Joseph’s life. The dreams that God gave him were fulfilled. Joseph’s brothers who had ridiculed him saying whether he planned to reign over them had to bow before him thrice. Moreover, it was God’s sovereign plan that God’s chosen people, the Israelites should not perish in the famine that engulfed the entire region. It was God’s plan that through Joseph his entire family should be fed during the days of famine. Joseph forgave his brothers because he understood that whatever his brothers did to cause evil, God used the same circumstances to bless him and fulfill his dream. 

Bible Reference: Genesis 37, 39 - 45

Memory Verse:  Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. (Genesis 50:19,20 NKJV)



Fill in the blanks:

1. Joseph’s brothers sold Joseph to some Ishmaelite merchants for ………………….

2. When their food got over, Jacob was forced to send …………………… to Egypt.

3. Joseph had his special ………………………… put into Benjamin’s sack.

4. Joseph’s family settled in a place called ………………… in Egypt. 

Give short answers:

1. How did Joseph’s father respond when he heard Joseph’s dream?


2. How did Joseph’s brothers make their father believe that Joseph was dead?


3. Why did Joseph’s brothers visit Egypt?


4. What did Joseph ask his brothers to do after he revealed himself?


Answer in brief:

1. How did Joseph test his brothers?


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