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Friday, May 1, 2020

Angels, Satan and Satanic Trinity, Senior - I, Lesson - 5




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Angels are “beings” created by God. The Hebrew word for angels is “mal’ak” and the Greek word is “Angelos” and they both mean “messenger”. The Holy Bible does not specifically mention the creation of angels in the book of Genesis. We come to know from Job 38:7 that “they sang together and shouted for joy during the foundation of the earth” so we can assume that angels were created before the creation of heaven and earth. Angels are an entirely separate type of creature from humans. There is no reference in the Holy Bible to say that people would become angels after death. Angels, like all created beings, are subject to the will of God. The Bible teaches that angels are ministering spirits who exist to serve God's people (Hebrews 1:14). They praise and worship God. They minister to humans and serve as messengers of God.

Angel protecting the Israelites eating the Passover Lamb, Artwork by Chagall (1931)

There are many types of angels. Some of the types of angels mentioned in the Holy Bible are

1) Archangels (1 Thessalonians 4:16; Colossians 1:16,17)

2) Common angels (Hebrews 1:14)

3) Cherubim (Psalm 18:10)

4) Seraphim (Isaiah 6:3)


The Holy Bible mentions “archangel” which means chief angel. The only named archangel is Michael (Jude 1:9), but many classify Gabriel also as an archangel since he is referred throughout scripture (Old Testament & New Testament). It also states in Luke 1:19 that he stands in the presence of God.

Angel Gabriel, The earliest depiction of an angel in art
(Catacomb of Priscilla, Italy, 3rd century AD)


Cherubs are seen throughout scripture as angels who guard (as in the garden of Eden) and surround the ark of the covenant, Tabernacle, and Temple. Lucifer, the fallen angel was also created as one of the cherub. Cherubim have four faces: one of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. They have four conjoined wings covered with eyes (although Revelation 4:8 appears to describe them with six wings like the seraphim), a lion's body, and the feet of oxen. Cherubim guard the way to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24) and the throne of God (Ezekiel 28:14–16). The cherubim are mentioned in Genesis 3:24; Exodus 25:17–22; 2 Chronicles 3:7–14; Ezekiel 10:12–14, 28:14–16; 1 Kings 6:23–28.

Winged Cherub on top of the Ark of God,
Picture credit: Efrat Shvili, Winged Cherubim, Ark of the Convenant, The Tabernacle, Timna, 2012.

(The cute images we see in cartoons as cherub are putti. Putti are the wingless (sometimes winged) human baby/toddler-like beings traditionally used in folk tales and art).

Artwork by Raphael (1513)


Seraphim (singular "Seraph") are, literally translated, "burning ones". The word seraph refers to “serpents” when used in the Hebrew Bible. According to Isaiah 6:1–8, the Seraphim are described as fiery six-winged beings; with two wings that cover their faces, with another two that cover their feet, and the last two they use to fly and they call out to each other saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory."

Seraphim depicted covering their faces and feet with wings,
Seraphim mosaic art at Hagia Sophia Church, Turkey

The Fallen Angels

Lucifer was one of the anointed guardian cherub created by God. “Lucifer” is the Latin translation of the word “morning star” given in Isaiah 14:12. Lucifer rebelled against God. Some of the other angelic host too joined him in his rebellion. Lucifer was thrown out of heaven along with myriads of angels who followed his lead. The Bible says they “did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode” (Jude 6). These angels are kept in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day (II Peter 2:4). We should note that in comparison to humanity, where sin entered every human being through the disobedience of one man, each fallen angel fell by his own rebellion and not because of someone else’s sin. According to Matthew 25:41, hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. Even though it is commonly believed that Lucifer turned into satan, there is no explicit mention of it in the Holy Bible.

Fall of Lucifer,
Illustration by Gustave Doré for John Milton's Paradise Lost (1866)


The origin of Satan is not given in the Holy Bible. Satan is also known by various other names such as ancient serpent (Revelation 12:9), devil, accuser of the brethren, tormentor, etc. in the Holy Bible. Satan's original nature is “Darkness”. Satan’s attributes are either inferior or opposite to the attributes of God. Sometimes people mistakenly believe that Satan is God’s evil equal or dualistic opposite of God. This is not true. Satan is not omnipotent. While he does have power, his power and ability are much limited. Satan is also not omniscient. He may know more than humans, but he is not all-knowing. He is not equivalent with God. He does not have any creative ability, so he imitates and counterfeits God. 

Satan is called the "god of this world" (2 Cor. 4:4) because he deceived Adam and Eve and through their disobedience to God, they and the entire creation in this world became subjected to Satan. We need to understand that because of sin “the whole world lies under the control of the wicked one.” (I John 5:19). As the god of this world, he counterfeits God trying to create his own kingdom. But satan does not have the ultimate authority in this world. In Daniel 4:32 we read that “the Most High rules in the kingdom of men” and God interferes whenever he pleases. God is infinite which means that he doesn’t have a beginning or an end. But Satan is finite, even though we don’t know how he began we know about his end (Revelation 20:10). Jesus Christ defeated satan on the cross and took away all his authority, which he stealthily gained in the garden of Eden (Colossians 2:15). When a person accepts Jesus Christ and becomes a born-again Christian and lives according to the word of God he too will have complete authority over satan (James 4:7; Ephesians 6:10 - 18).

The Satanic Trinity

The Trinity of God represent all the attributes and fullness of God. (Click this link to learn more about the Holy Trinity) Satan tries to counterfeit the Holy Trinity of God. To differentiate satan's counterfeit from the Divine Trinity we call this manifestation a “Satanic Trinity.” As God sent His Son (Jesus) into the world, so Satan shall send Antichrist into the world (Revelation 13:3, 4). We can read about these three satanic manifestations in Revelation 13:4,12,14; 19:20; 20:10)

             The Dragon / Satan (Rev 20:10) = Anti-GOD

The Beast  (Rev 13:1-10)                  = Anti-CHRIST

The False Prophet / The Second Beast (Rev 13:11-15)= Anti-SPIRIT (2)

Holy Trinity

Satanic Trinity

God the Father


God the Son (Christ)

Beast (Antichrist)

God the Holy Spirit

False Prophet

Throne of God (Rev 22:1)

Throne of Satan (Rev 2:13)

The Church of God

The synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9; 3:9)

The Church is the Bride of Christ (Eph 5:25-27)

The “mystic harlot church” is the bride of Antichrist (Rev 17:1-16)

Teachings of Christ

Teachings of Demons (I Timothy 4:1)

The Cup of Christ – The communion cup (I Corin 10:16; 11:25)

The cup of the devils (I Corin 10:21)

Christ’s earthly ministry – 31/2 years

Antichrist reigns for same length of time (Rev 13:5)

Mystery of Godliness (I Timothy 3:16)

Mystery of Iniquity (II Thessalonians 2:7)

The end of the "Satanic Trinity" will be at the close of the time of Tribulation, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, and the satan also called as the dragon will be cast into the "Bottomless Pit" for a thousand years (Rev. 20:1-3), and the "Beast" and the "False Prophet" will be cast alive into the Lake of fire. (Rev. 19:20).

Memory Verse: Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, 12 saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, To receive power and riches and wisdom, And strength and honor and glory and blessing!” (Revelations 5:11,12 NKJV)


Larkin, Clarence. Dispensational Truth. Philadelphia: Rev. Clarence Larkin Est., 1920. 176 pp. 

For Sunday School activities and stories in English https://jacobsladderactivity.blogspot.com/


I.      Fill in the Blanks:

1. The Hebrew word for angels is “…………………..”

2. The only archangel named in the Holy Bible is ……………………….

3. “……………………………” is the Latin translation of the word “morning star”.

4.  The “……………………………….” is the bride of Antichrist.


II.     Give short answers:

1. How do the seraphim worship God?



2. Who are cherubs?



3. Why was Lucifer thrown out of heaven?



4. Why is satan called the “god of this world”?



III. Give brief answers:

1. Write a short essay on angels and the types of angels.


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