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Friday, May 8, 2020

Water from the Rock, Sub-junior - I, Lesson - 7


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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Moses, the leader of the Israelites was leading the people from Egypt to Canaan. God had delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians who had kept them as slaves and they were going to their own country, Canaan. But they had to walk through a large desolate desert before they could reach Canaan. Soon the Israelites started to complain because there was not enough food. The Israelites told Moses that it would have been better for them to die in Egypt because they had lot of food in Egypt. They soon forgot how they had suffered as slaves.

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The Israelites grumbled and said that Moses had brought them to the desert to starve the people to death. Moses prayed and God rained down bread from heaven for them. The next morning when the Israelites came out of their tents, they found the bread lying on the ground like flakes of frost on the ground. The people of Israel called the bread “manna”.
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They travelled further and reached a place called Rephidim but there was no water for the people to drink. Again, the people started to complain and said that they were dying of thirst and their children and cattle were dying too. They asked Moses why he brought them out of Egypt and they were even ready to throw stones at Moses.

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Moses prayed to God asking for help. God told Moses to gather some of the elders of Israel and to take his rod in his hand and walk ahead of the people. God said he would stand on the rock at Mount Horeb. God told Moses to strike the rock with his rod and water will flow from the rock. The people will have plenty of water to drink.

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Moses did just as God asked him to do. As the elders of Israel looked on, water came gushing out of the rock and there was enough water for everyone to drink.  Moses called that place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarrelled with Moses and tested whether the Lord is among them. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Bible Reference: Exodus 17
Memory verse: He opened the rock, and water gushed out; It ran in the dry places like a river (Psalm 105: 41 NKJV). 



Answer the following questions:

 1. Where did the Israelites find the bread?


2. Who went along with Moses?    …………………...........................

3. Who was standing on the rock?


4. From where did the water come?


5. What was the name given to the place from where the

water came? …………………………………….………….


Choose the best answer:

 1. The Israelites said it would have been better to die in

    a. Egypt                b. Canaan               c. Midian

2. The Israelites could not find water to drink in

    a. Haran               b. Egypt                   c. Rephidim

3. Who stood on the rock at Mount Horeb?

    a. Priest                b. God                      c. Aaron

4. With what did Moses strike the rock?

     a. Rod                  b. Gun                      c. Whip

5. The Israelites quarrelled with

     a. Miriam            b. Pharaoh               c. Moses

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