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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Moses' Rod Becomes a Snake, Primary - I, Lesson - 7


AGE: 6 - 7 YEARS


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Do you remember Moses the baby boy whose mother made a basket and kept him in the Nile River? Moses was brought up as an Egyptian prince by the daughter of the Pharaoh. When Moses grew up, he thought of visiting his Israelite brothers. There he saw an Egyptian beating up an Israelite man. Moses got angry and killed the Egyptian. Pharaoh, the King of Egypt came to know that and wanted to punish Moses.


Moses ran away to a country called Midian where he lived as a shepherd. One day when Moses was grazing the sheep, he came to a mountain called Horeb also called as the Mountain of God. There Moses saw a strange sight. He saw that a bush was on fire, but the bush was not burnt. When Moses went closer to see the bush, God called Moses by his name.

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God told Moses that he should go back to Egypt and bring the Israelites out of slavery from Egypt. God also taught Moses to do miracles with his rod to reveal God’s power in front of Pharaoh.

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Moses went to Egypt and performed the miracles taught to him by God. The first miracle Moses did was to turn his rod into a snake. Moses threw his rod in front of Pharaoh and it turned into a snake.

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Pharaoh challenged Moses and told him that even his magicians could do the same thing. When the Pharaoh’s magicians threw their rods they too turned into snakes. Can you imagine snakes slithering everywhere in the palace? But Moses’ snake swallowed all the magicians’ snakes.


Moses caught hold of his snake’s tail and it turned back into a rod. But poor magicians they were left without their magic rod because the magic rod-turned-snakes were all gobbled up by Moses’ rod! This was the first miracle done by Moses in front of Pharaoh. Moses did many more miracles and finally the Israelites were freed from slavery.


Bible Reference: Exodus 3, 4

Memory Verse: He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble (Psalm 91:15a NKJV)

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Answer the following questions: 

1.    Where did Moses run away to escape Pharaoh?



2.  Name the mountain where Moses came grazing the sheep.



3.  What is the other name of Mount Horeb?



4.  In the strange sight Moses saw in Mountain Horeb, what was on fire?



5.   In the first miracle, what did Moses’ rod turn into?



Fill in the blanks:

1. Moses was brought up as an ……………. prince

2. When Moses grew up, he thought of visiting his ……………… brothers.

3. Moses lived as a .......................... in Midian.

4. Moses threw his rod it turned into a …………..

5. Moses caught hold of his snake’s ………… and it turned back into a rod.

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