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Friday, August 19, 2022

Ebenezer Stone, Sub-junior - I, Lesson - 15


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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Click this link to get Sub-junior lessons 1 - 15

In the previous lesson we learnt about the birth of Samuel, the last judge of Israel. Eli, the High Priest was also the Judge of Israel, when Samuel was growing up in the Tabernacle at Shiloh. Once when Eli was the judge of Israel, the Philistines came to war against Israel and killed many Israelites. The elders of Israel were devastated. 

They somehow wanted to defeat the Philistines. But the Philistines seemed too powerful, so they thought of taking the Ark of God from the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle to the battle ground. They thought the special power in the Ark of God would help them defeat the Philistines. (Toknow more about the Ark of God read Lesson 11 - The Ark of God)

Eli was too old. His sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were in-charge of the Tabernacle and they went along with the elder’s plans. God was not happy with the Ark of God being taken to the battle ground. The Ark of God manifested the holy presence of God and hence it had to stay in the “Most Holy Place” of the Tabernacle. That day Philistines won the battle against the Israelites. The Philistines captured the Ark of God and placed it beside their idol, Dagon. Dagon fell before the Ark of God and its head and hands were broken. The Philistines were frightened. God punished the Philistines with sores all over their bodies for taking the Ark of God. The Philistines realized their mistake and returned the Ark of God to the Israelites along with guilt offerings. 

The Ark of God was taken to a place called Kiriath–Jearim and it remained there for twenty years. Eli and his two sons had died and Samuel became the Judge of Israel. The Israelites missed the Ark of God and realized their mistake of sinning against God. Samuel gathered the Israelites at Mizpah and told them to recommit themselves to God. The Philistines came to know that the Israelites had gathered at Mizpah, so they planned to attack the Israelites once again and destroy them. The Israelites were terrified and pleaded with Samuel to pray on their behalf. The Israelites fasted (that means they didn’t eat anything) and prayed; Samuel too prayed for the people.

Samuel was offering a sacrifice when the Philistine army was approaching, but God thundered a great thunder. The Philistine army panicked and became confused. The Israelites chased the Philistines and defeated them. It was a miraculous and mighty deliverance for the people of Israel. The enemies who seemed too powerful vanished in an instant. 

Samuel wanted the children of Israel to remember God’s help forever. So, he decided to raise a memorial stone. Samuel picked a spot between the cities of Mizpah and Shen, and set up a large stone for a monument so that the Israelites would look at it and remember God’s help and deliverance. He named the stone “Ebenezer” which meant “the stone of help”. Whenever the children of Israel looked at the stone, Samuel wanted them to remember that, up to that point God had helped them and He is sufficient to help them in the future also. 

Bible Reference: I Samuel 6, 7:1-13.

Memory Verse: May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. (Psalm 20:5).


Answer the following questions:

1. Who was the Judge of Israel when Samuel was growing up?


2. Where was the Tabernacle of God erected?       


3. Where did the Ark of God remain for 20 years?


4. Where did the Israelites gather?


1.    What does “Ebenezer” mean?


Choose the right answer

1.    Last Judge of Israel (Samuel / Saul)

2.  Hophni and Phinehas took the Ark of God to the (Temple / Battle ground)

3.  Philistines placed the Ark of God beside their idol (Dagon / Baal)

4.  The Philistines returned the Ark of God along with the (guilt / celebratory) offering

5.   Samuel wanted the Israelites to remember God’s (anger / help)

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