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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Ruth helps Naomi, Kinder - I, Lesson - 15


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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There was a man named Elimelech who lived with his wife Naomi in Bethlehem. They had two sons Mahlon and Chilion. Once there was a severe famine in Bethlehem. Famine is when people do not get enough food for long periods of time and it can result in starvation and death. Famine usually occurs when there is lack of rainfall and enough food is not produced because of crop failure. This happened in Bethlehem too. Naomi, Elimelech and their two sons Mahlon and Chilion went to live in a distant country called Moab. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

After some years, Elimelech passed away. Naomi’s sons Mahlon and Chilion married women from Moab named Ruth and Orpah. 

Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

Soon Naomi’s both sons also died in Moab. Naomi who was a stranger in Moab found herself living alone in Moab with her two daughters-in-law. One day Naomi heard that there was no more famine in Bethlehem and there was enough food for everyone. So, Naomi decided to return to her home town Bethlehem. She wanted good life for her daughters-in law. Naomi told them to stay back in Moab, so they could be taken care of by their relatives. Orpah thought that was a good decision and returned to her relatives.

But her other daughter-in-law Ruth did not want to let Naomi go alone to Bethlehem. So, Ruth went along with Naomi to Bethlehem. Ruth went in search of food for herself and her mother-in- law in Bethlehem. She saw a field being harvested. She asked their permission to gather the grains that fall down and get wasted while being harvested. 

Picture credit: Judith Mehr

Incidentally, that field belonged to a rich man named Boaz. Boaz was a relative of Naomi and Elimelech. He was kind to Ruth and gave food for her and Naomi. 

Picture credit: Ruth by Harold Copping, Illustration from Women of the Bible, published by the Religious Tract Society, 1927

After some time, Boaz married Ruth. The Lord blessed Boaz and Ruth for their kindness. 

Bible Reference: Ruth 1:1-19

Memory Verse: Be kind and compassionate to one another (Ephesians 4:32a NIV)

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