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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Ark of God, Sub-Junior, Lesson - 11

AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS

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In this lesson we are going to learn about one of the important sacred objects associated with the Israelites worship called the Ark of God. It is also called as the Ark of the Covenant. It is the same Ark that was carried by the priests when they crossed the Jordan River. When the Israelites were wandering in the desert, God told Moses to build a Tabernacle for Him. 

A model of the Tabernacle in Timna Valley Park, Israel. 
Creative Commons License

    A Tabernacle was a special tent that was made according to the instructions given by God. The Israelites went to worship God in the Tabernacle and all the sacred objects were kept there. So, it was also called as the “Tent of Meeting”. One of the sacred objects kept inside the Tabernacle of God was the Ark of God. The presence of God manifested in the Ark of God in the olden days, so the Israelites revered it. 

A model of the Ark of God, 
Jeremy Park, Bible-Scenes.com

    The Ark of God was a wooden box or chest covered with pure gold both inside and outside. The Ark was made of acacia or shittah-tree wood. The Ark had a special lid or cover called the “Mercy Seat or Atonement Cover”. There were two golden cherubim kept on the cover, kneeling on the top with their outstretched wings nearly touching. Cherubs are a type of angels. 

An acacia or Shittah Tree

    Inside the Ark of the Covenant, there was the stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments (I Kings 8:9; II Chronicles 5:10). A golden jar filled with manna was kept alongside Ark containing the covenant law (Exodus 16:33,34). Aaron’s rod that miraculously budded was put in front of the Ark of the Covenant (Numbers 17:4, 10, 11). (Note: To understand more about the contents of the Ark of God please read the ‘Teacher’s Notes’ given below)

The budded staff of Aaaron and the jar of manna kept near the Ark of God.
Illustration by templeinstitute.org

    The Ark of God was kept in a special place called the “Most Holy Place” in the Tabernacle and it was kept behind a veil.

A model of the Stone Tablets with Ten commandments,
Jeremy Park, Bible-Scenes.com

Four rings of gold were attached to the four corners of the Ark. Poles made of shittim wood covered with gold were inserted through these rings and they were used to carry the Ark of God on the shoulder of the priests. The Ark of God was made by Bezalel, a craftsman filled with the Spirit of God. It was covered whenever it was carried from place to place so that it could not be seen. The Ark of the Covenant became the most sacred object in the Israelites’ worship.

Teacher’s Notes:

What was inside the Ark of God?

When we read Hebrews 9:4, it states that the Ark of God contained the stone tablets inscribed with the ten commandments, the golden jar filled with manna and Aaron’s budded rod. But, according to I Kings 8:9 & II Chronicles 5:10 the Ark of God contained only the stone tablets inscribed with the Ten commandments. Some try to explain this by saying that the golden jar filled with manna and Aaron’s budded rod were removed later from the Ark. But there is no support for such a view in the Holy Bible. In such a case, what is the reason for this discrepancy?

If we read the Holy Bible carefully, the golden jar filled with manna was kept alongside Ark containing the covenant law (Exodus 16:33,34). Aaron’s rod that miraculously budded was put in front of the Ark of the Covenant (Numbers 17:4, 10, 11).

However, Hebrews 9:4 indicates that the Ark of God contained “the golden jar that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant”. To understand this the Greek preposition “en” that is used in this verse, Hebrews 9:4 has to be understood. It has many meanings including: among, within the range of, near, before, in the presence of, etc. Hence, we have to understand that Hebrew 9:4 means that the Aaron’s rod, the jar of manna, and the tablets of stone were all in close proximity to the Ark in the Most Holy Place. (1). The stone tablet was inside the Ark of God. (2).


  (1)   Lyons, E. (March, 2010), Contents of the Ark of the Covenant, [On-line], URL: https://apologeticspress.org/contents-of-the-ark-of-the-covenant-2851/

(  2)   The Holy of Holies, [On-line], URL: https://templeinstitute.org/illustrated-tour-the-holy-of-holies/

     Bible Portion: Exodus 25:8-22; Hebrews 9:1-5

    Memory Verse: For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance (Hebrews 9:15a)


Answer the following questions:

1.      Name the special tent where the Israelites went to worship God.


2.   The Ark of God was made with which wood?


3.   What was the special cover of the Ark of God called as?


4.  Where was the Ark of God kept?


5.    Who made the Ark of God? 

Fill in the Blanks

1.    The presence of God manifested in the ……………….. in the olden days, so the Israelites revered it.

2.  There were two golden ……………………. kept on the cover of the Ark of God.

3.  Inside the Ark of God was the ……………….. that miraculously budded.

4.  The Ark of God was kept behind a ………………..

5.    The Ark of God was carried on the shoulder of the ………………

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