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Monday, January 15, 2024

Prophet Elisha Makes The Axe to Float, Primary - I, Lesson - 19


AGE: 6 - 7 YEARS


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Prophet Elisha was one of the greatest prophets of Israel. He was the successor of Prophet Elijah (about whom we learnt in the previous lesson), which means he became the prophet of Israel after Prophet Elijah was taken to heaven. Elisha met Prophet Elijah when he was a young man ploughing his father’s field. Prophet Elijah placed his mantle on Elisha’s shoulders, indicating to him to follow him. The mantle is a long cape extending to the floor worn over the outer garments. Elisha accepted the call and left his family and farm to follow Prophet Elijah.

When Elijah’s prophetic work was finished, a chariot and horses of fire appeared and Prophet Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. Prophet Elijah’s prophetic gifts were passed on to Elisha to continue the work. 

There were a group of young prophets who lived together with an older prophet as their leader. After Prophet Elijah was taken up to heaven, Prophet Elisha became their leader. They lived together in quarters. Soon their numbers started to increase and their quarters in Samaria became very small for them. The young prophets decided to build new quarters for them and requested Prophet Elisha to accompany them to Jordan. Prophet Elisha agreed and went with them to Jordan.

The young prophets went to a place near River Jordan, where they could find huge trees to cut and make their homes. It so happened that the iron head of an axe used by one of the young prophets to cut down a tree, fell into the waters of the Jordan River. The young prophet was greatly distressed. The young prophet did not have an axe of his own, hence he had borrowed an axe from his neighbour. It was a borrowed item; it should be used with care and should be returned once the task is completed. But unfortunately, the axe head had fallen into the waters and sank to the bottom of the river. 

Prophet Elisha, the leader of the young prophets, who had accompanied them was there. The young prophet came to Prophet Elisha and told him what had happened. Prophet Elisha asked him to show the place where the axe head fell. 

He cut a branch from a tree, and threw it into the water, and the next moment something wonderful happened - the wooden stick slowly sank to the bottom, and the iron axe head came to the surface. 

An axe head is made out of iron. Iron does not float on water. Iron is very heavy and it sinks. Wood is light and it floats on water. But Prophet Elisha performed a miracle to help the young prophet who was troubled after losing his borrowed axe head. The young prophet was relieved to see his axe head float on water and he retrieved his axe head from the Jordan River. 

Bible Reference: II Kings 6: 1 - 7

Memory Verse: Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so. (Proverbs 3:27 NKJV)

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Answer the following questions:

1. What did Prophet Elijah place on Elisha’s shoulders?


2. Who became the leader of the young prophets?


3. Why did the young prophets cut trees near the Jordan river?


4. Where did the axe head fall?


5. What came to the surface of the water when Prophet Elijah threw a wooden stick inside the river?


Answer Yes (    ) or No (    )

1. Elisha refused to follow Prophet Elijah (     )

2. Prophet Elijah was taken upto heaven in a whirlwind (  )

3. The young prophets cut the trees near the Jordan River (     )

4. The young prophet had his own axe (     )

5. Prophet Elisha threw his mantle to make the axe float (   )

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