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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Prophet Elisha & The School of Prophets, Intermediate - I, Lesson - 18


AGE: 12 - 13 YEARS


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Prophet Elisha

Elisha was one of the very important Old Testament prophets of Israel. He was the successor of another great prophet in Israel, Prophet Elijah. Elisha lived around 800 BC, about 150 years after the reign of King David. Elisha was born in Abel-Meholah of the Jordan valley and grew up to become a farmer when Prophet Elijah found him. His father’s name was Shaphat. Prophet Elisha’s ministry lasted about 60 years, spanning the reigns of kings Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, and Joash.

Prophet Elisha Succeeds Prophet Elijah

As Prophet Elijah was nearing the end of his ministry, he was directed by God to seek out and appoint his successor, Elisha. As Prophet Elijah went out to find Elisha, he saw him out in a field plowing on his father’s farm with a pair of oxen. 

Elijah placed his mantle (an outer garment, like a cloak) on Elisha’s shoulders. During the ancient days in Israel, if the mantle was placed on someone, it was a sign of a call that the duties and responsibilities would fall on that person. 

Elisha understood the call, so he left his oxen, ran after prophet Elijah and asked permission from Prophet Elijah to say goodbye to his family. Prophet Elijah agreed to it. Elisha went back, slaughtered his oxen, cooked a meal with his plowing tools, gave a feast for his family and then followed Prophet Elijah as his servant. Elisha completely removed himself from his former life immediately without leaving any option for returning. Elisha began his ministry as Prophet Elijah’s student and helper. His initial duty was the humble act of pouring water on the hands of Elijah (2 Kings 3:11). Elisha’s training under Prophet Elijah would gradually mould him for a work that he would one day take up alone.

Schools of the Prophets

During the days of Prophet Elijah and Elisha there existed institutions called the schools of the prophets. They were not schools like as we know them today. The school of prophets constituted of a group or company of young prophets who were mentored by a more experienced prophet. The young prophets living in these company were called the 'sons' of the prophets, and they looked up to the leaders as their spiritual fathers (2 Ki 2:12 and 13:14). The leaders guided, mentored and protected the younger prophets in their spiritual life as prophets of the God of Israel, when they were facing persecution from the kings of Israel, who were mostly worshippers of Baal. The young prophets lived there with their family and were self-supporting as indicated from the incidents mentioned in the Holy Bible (2 Kings 4:1-7). They built their own buildings to live (II Kings 6:1-3) and they may have had a common communal kitchen (II Kings 4:38). The Old Testament indicates that there were 'schools of the prophets' at a number of places, including Bethel (2 Ki 2:3), Jericho (2 Ki 2:5), Jordan (2 Ki 2:7 and 6:1), Gilgal and in the hill country of Ephraim (2 Ki 4:38 and 5:22).

We have to remember that “school of the prophets” was not a place where they were taught to prophesy. No one can teach someone to be a prophet. The Holy Bible encourages us to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts including the gift of prophecy (I Corinthians 14:1). The spirit of prophecy is a gift from God and not a skill to be taught. Both in the Old Testament and New Testament, prophecy is receiving messages from God and communicating it to others. Prophecy originates in the mind of God. In the New Testament, the ministry of prophecy is mentioned as a part of the five-fold ministry, and it is given based on the call of God on that believer’s life (Ephesians 4:11-13), but God in his sovereignty can choose to deliver his messages through anyone or anything even inanimate (Psalms 19:1-4), if needed.

Elijah and Elisha Visit the School of the Prophets

Just before Prophet Elijah was taken to heaven, he and Elisha visited these schools of prophets. It was evident from the young prophets’ response they were aware that Prophet Elijah would not be around much longer. They went from Gilgal to Bethel and then to Jericho. At each of these places Prophet Elijah requested Elisha to stay back, so that he could proceed on his journeys alone. But Elisha refused. Both of them travelled together and reached the banks of the Jordan River. Prophet Elijah took his cloak, rolled it and struck the water with it. The water divided to the right and to the left and they crossed over the river on dry ground.  

Elisha Asks for Double Portion of the Anointing

Prophet Elijah departed from this life in a very unique and glorious way. God was about to take Elijah to heaven in a whirlwind. After crossing the Jordan river Prophet Elijah asked Elisha what he could do for him. Elisha requested a double portion of Prophet Elijah’s anointing. Prophet Elijah promised that it would be given to him, if Elisha saw him as he was taken up. Elisha did as he was told, and as he was looking, he saw the chariot of fire and horses of fire that separated the men. Elisha also saw Elijah taken to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha saw it, and cried out, ‘My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!’ 

After Prophet Elijah ascended to heaven, Elisha picked up Prophet Elijah’s cloak that had fallen from him and walked to the Jordan River. Elisha struck the river water with the cloak, and it divided, just as it had done for Prophet Elijah. There were around 50 young prophets who witnessed this miracle. They immediately recognized that Prophet Elijah’s spirit now rested on Elisha. As God had declared earlier, Elisha would now continue Prophet Elijah’s ministry as God’s prophet to the people of Israel.

Jordan river in modern day Israel

The Ministry of Elisha

Even though Prophet Elisha continued to advance the works of Prophet Elijah, his ministry was different from that of Elijah. Elijah was commissioned to deliver fearless messages of condemnation and judgment to king Ahab, wicked queen Jezebel and to the people of Israel, warning them to turn from sin. God anointed his prophets Elijah, Elisha and a young man named Jehu to bring down Jezebel and deliver Israelites from her hand. Prophet Elijah had to face opposition and live in hiding because of Jezebel. After her downfall, organized Baal worship was eradicated, and Prophet Elisha could travel widely throughout Israel. He served as an adviser to kings, was found in the company of common people, and he was a friend of both Israelites and foreigners. He was also closely associated with the school of prophets guiding them and helping them.

Miracles of Elisha

Elisha’s prophetic ministry included many works of healing and restoration. The following are some of the miraculous events recorded in the Holy Bible.

1. Parts the Jordan River (II Kings 2:13-14)

2. Heals the Jericho spring (II Kings 2:19-22)

3. Provides water & Moabites defeated (3:1-27)

4. Multiplies widow’s oil (4:1-7)

5. Shunammite woman bears a son (4:8-17)

6. Brings back Shunammite’s son to life (4:18-37)

7. Purifies poisoned stew (4:38-41)

8. Multiplies the loaves (4:42-44)

9. Heals Naaman’s leprosy (5:1-14)

10. Gehazi struck with leprosy (5:15-27)

11. Floats lost axhead (6:1-7)

12. Gives special sight to the king’s messenger (6:16-17)

13. Blinds the Aramean army (6:8-23)

14. Punishment of the Israel King’s Officer (II Kings 7:1,2,17-20)

15. Relieves Samaria from famine (II Kings 7:1 – 20)

16. His bones resurrect a dead man (13:20-21)

Prophet Elisha heals the water

Prophet Elisha’s ministry began by healing a spring of water near Jericho (2 Kings 2:19-22). The water of the spring was of very bad quality, which made the land unproductive, and no vegetation could grow there. The people of the town came and asked for Prophet Elisha’s help.  He asked them to bring a new bowl with some salt in it. Prophet Elisha tossed the salt into the spring and the water of the spring was healed and it became good, sweet water. God assured the Jericho people through his prophet that there would not be any more death or barrenness because of that spring water and the water and land remain healed from that day on. It is believed that the barrenness of Jericho was because of the curse uttered by Joshua when he captured the land (Joshua 6:26) and it was reversed by Prophet Elisha.

Prophet Elisha’s Curse & Punishment

Prophet Elisha left Jericho to visit Bethel. Along his journey, he was met by a group of young men who began to mock and shout insults at him saying “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” Prophet Elisha turned around and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the Lord. A judgement came upon them immediately. Two female bears came out of the forest and mauled 42 of them. (Refer to teacher's notes for more information on bears in Israel). We have to remember that these incidents happened thousands of years ago when they lived under a strict rule of law, well aware of the consequences for their actions. Prophet Elisha is often termed as a short-tempered man because of this incident. But it is a false notion. Throughout the Holy Bible Elisha’s kindness and compassion towards common people can be seen. We also have to remember that just prior to this incident, Prophet Elisha delivered the city of Jericho from a curse that had made it barren for hundreds of years. 

In Israel during those days blaspheming or cursing God, parents or servants of God was punishable by death under law. By mocking Prophet Elisha’s appearance, the young men were also mocking a man chosen and appointed by God and his authority as a prophet in Israel. The young men were not condemned or punished according to the Law of Moses for this particular act, but it was an immediate judgement that was revealed by God. Even though the Bible does not elaborate on the circumstances behind this particular incident, it is possible that these youngsters were taught or influenced by the false prophets of Baal who were widespread during the days of Jezebel. There was constant struggle between the true prophets of God and the false prophets of Baal. Most of the prophets of God had been killed by Jezebel and very few prophets of God remained in the land of Israel including Prophet Elisha.

Elisha and the widow’s oil

One day a woman came to visit Prophet Elisha. She was the wife of one of the sons of prophets and she was a widow. She had two young boys. The young prophet had borrowed money for some need and soon he died. Now the creditor wanted to take both her sons to work for him. The poor woman came to Prophet Elisha asking for help. The prophet asked her what she had at home. The woman said that she only had a jar of oil at home. Elisha instructed her to go to all her neighbors and borrow as many empty jars as she could. Then she had to pour the oil into all the borrowed jars. The woman obeyed the words of Prophet Elisha and as she started pouring, the jar of oil miraculously began to increase, and all the borrowed jars were filled with oil. The oil stopped only when she did not have any more jars to fill. She was able to sell enough of the oil to pay off her debt and live off the remainder (2 Kings 4:1-7).

Prophet Elisha’s other miracles

As mentioned earlier in the lesson, God had used Prophet Elisha to perform many other miracles. Prophet Elisha performed two miracles for a woman and her husband living in the town of Shunem. The woman did not have a child for a long time. Prophet Elisha prophesied that the woman would have a son soon. It happened just as he said. Later, the little boy suffered an illness and died but was brought back to life through the prophet (2 Kings 4:8-22; 2 Kings 4:23-37).

While he was staying in Gilgal with the sons of the prophets, they prepared a pot of stew. One of them collected a poisonous gourd from the field and shredded it into the stew by mistake. Elisha added some flour into the pot, and the poison was immediately removed. Another miracle happened through Prophet Elisha when a man came from Baal Shalisha bringing bread of the first fruits - twenty loaves of barley bread, and newly ripened grain. The prophet told his servant to distribute it to the men, who were more than hundred in number. Miraculously, there were even leftovers after they had enough to eat.

Another time, the sons of the prophets requested permission from Prophet Elisha to build a new place to stay. While cutting down trees for the building, an axhead flew off the handle and fell into the Jordan River. The young prophet was very distressed because it was borrowed. He asked Prophet Elisha for help. Prophet Elisha cut a branch from a tree and threw that into the water. To the amazement of everyone, the iron axhead began to float and it was retrieved (2 Kings 6:1-7).

Prophet Elisha Helps Heal Naaman’s Leprosy

One of the well-known miracles of Prophet Elisha is the healing of Naaman, who was the Commander of the Syrian army. Naaman was very brave and valiant bringing many victories for Syria. Yet he was afflicted with a terrible disease called leprosy. One of his housemaids was a little Israelite girl, who had been taken captive earlier after a battle. She told her mistress (Naaman’s wife) that her master would be healed of his leprosy if he would go to see Prophet Elisha in Samaria. Naaman agreed and went to meet Prophet Elisha. He went along with a company of men in great pomp, but the prophet only sent his servant to tell Naaman to go wash seven times in Jordan river and he would be healed. Naaman was furious because this was not what he expected. He thought Prophet Elisha would come meet him, pray to God, touch the leprosy, and he would be healed. Naaman obliged finally after his servants pleaded with him. Naaman went and dipped in Jordan river seven times as advised, and he was healed immediately of leprosy. He then returned to thank Prophet Elisha, and to give gifts. But the man of God refused and sent him on his way.

Elisha Helps to Defeat Arameans

During the days of Elijah, the king of Syria began to attack Israel. The people of ancient Syria were called the Arameans. Hence the ancient Syrian Kings were interchangeably called as the Aramean kings also. When the Syrian king sent his army to attack Israel, the Israelites always seemed to know his plans every time he secretly sent out his troops. The king began to believe that one of his men was conspiring with the enemy and revealing his plans. Soon he realized that was not the case, it was Prophet Elisha who was revealing every single plan of his to the Israelite king. The Syrian king became furious and sent a large Syrian army to the Israelite city of Dothan to arrest the prophet.

When Elisha’s servant saw the Arameans that had come against them, he was afraid. But Elisha told him not to be afraid and explained that they had a larger army around them. Elisha also prayed for his servant’s eyes to be opened., Immediately the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha" (2 Kings 6:16–17). Elisha then prayed for the Arameans to be struck with blindness. Elisha led them to Samaria, the capital of Israel, before asking the Lord to open their eyes. The king of Israel wondered if he should kill the captives, but Elisha counselled him to prepare food for them instead. When they were finished with the feast, the Arameans returned to their master, and King of Syria ceased raiding Israel. Elisha also prophesied other events of national and international importance regarding Israel and Syria.

Syrian King Besieges Samaria

Syrian King Ben-Hadad later gathered a large group of men and besieged Samaria. Ben- Hadad was not the actual name of the Syrian King, it was the title of the Syrian Kings also called as Kings of Aram, similar to the title “Pharaoh” that was used for the Egyptian kings. When Ben-Hadad besieged Samaria, it resulted in a severe famine that people started to indulge in unthinkable practices to overcome their hunger. One day, Prophet Elisha prophesied that soon the country was going to be flooded with food that it would be sold for next to nothing. The following day, few lepers who tried to visit the Syrian camp,  discovered many Syrian possessions and food items all strewn around. They came to know that the Syrians had suddenly panicked and fled their tents, imagining, they heard the approach of Egyptian and Hittite armies. The Israelites got the abundant supply of food they left behind as prophesized by Elisha.

Syrian King sends Messenger to Prophet Elisha

After the siege, Ben-Hadad fell gravely ill. He heard that Prophet Elisha was visiting Damascus. He sent his assistant, Hazael, to meet him and ask if he would recover from his illness. Hazael met Elisha, bringing a lot of presents. Prophet Elisha gave a peculiar answer that Ben-Hadad would recover, but that he would also soon die. Prophet Elisha also began to weep bitterly, so much that Hazael was intrigued. When questioned, Prophet Elisha told Hazael that he was weeping because of the cruel and despicable acts he was going to do to the Israelites. Elisha informed Hazael that he would become the new king of Syria. It happened just as Prophet Elisha told and Hazael became the King of Syria soon after.

King Jehoash’s Visit & Prophet Elisha’s Death

King Jehoash, or Joash, was reigning at the time of Prophet Elisha’s death. The king visited Elisha while the prophet was on his deathbed and wept over him saying, "O my father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof!"  Maybe Elisha had counselled him, and had guided and encouraged him in his duties as king. As a final act, Prophet Elisha instructed King Jehoash to get a bow and arrows and shoot them out the window. When Jehoash did so, Prophet Elisha told him this was God’s arrow of victory over Aram. Prophet Elisha then told the king to strike the ground with the arrows, but Jehoash stopped after only three times. Prophet Elisha was dissatisfied. Had Jehoash struck the ground five or six times, he would have completely destroyed Aram, but would now only defeat them three times (2 Kings 13:14–19). After this incident Prophet Elisha died and was buried.

The Bones of Elisha and a Dead Man

The years after Prophet Elisha died, the Israelites were attacked by Moabite raiders who came to Israel every spring. Once while some Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders. In a hurry to escape the attack, they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. Immediately something miraculous happened! When the body touched Elisha’s bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet. It seems that God chose to demonstrate His power through the man of God who wished for a double anointing, even after his death.

Gehazi, Prophet Elisha’s Servant

Gehazi was the servant of Prophet Elisha. Gehazi was very fortunate to have witnessed many miraculous acts performed by Prophet Elisha. He witnessed a childless woman (and her old husband) have a child. When the woman's child, a boy, died, he saw him live again. Gehazi saw miracles other than that. He saw a poisonous pot of stew be purified and made safe to eat. He had fed a hundred people with twenty loaves of bread. Gehazi also saw Naaman being healed after following his master’s instructions. However, Gehazi did not have a pure heart and he was greedy. He lusted after Naaman's gifts. He went after Naaman to collect the gifts, lying that his master had visitors who had need of  it. Upon returning home, he even lied to Prophet Elisha in an attempt to hide his deceit. By this act Gehazi brought a curse upon himself, as Elisha’s spirit knew of his action. He and his descendants took upon them the leprosy of Naaman from that day on.

However, in the later chapters of the Holy Bible, we read the narrative of Gehazi appearing before King Joram, to recount the great deeds of his master Elisha. According to Biblical scholars, it is probably because the accounts of Elisha’s work and influence are not recorded in their chronological order.

Life lessons from Elisha

Elisha was definitely one of the greatest prophets of Israel who turned the hearts of many people towards God through his prophecies and many mighty acts of miracles. Elisha was obedient to God’s call, following Prophet Elijah eagerly and faithfully. Prophet Elisha clearly believed God and trusted Him and through him God worked powerfully. Different men of God earned very special names for themselves through their life and actions and Elisha’s actions earned him one of the greatest honours to be called the “chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof” and also as the “father of Israel” by none other than the king of Israel himself.

Bible Reference: I Kings 19:15- II Kings 13:21

Memory Verse: The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream;
And he who has My word, let him speak My word faithfully.
What is the chaff to the wheat?” says the Lord.
“Is not My word like a fire?” says the Lord,
“And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? (Jeremiah 23:28,29 NKJV)

Teacher’s Notes

Bears - Bears still live in the wider Levant region (meaning the region along the eastern mediterranean shores) such as Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Turkmenistan to this day, although sightings are rare, due to poaching and habitat loss. The bear became extinct in Syria around fifty years ago, and much longer ago than that in Israel, Lebanon and the Sinai Peninsula. Known as the Syrian brown bear, they are the smallest species of the brown bear family, yet can still weigh up to 250 kilograms (550 pounds).

Syrian brown bear
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Fill in the blanks:

1. Prophet Elisha slaughtered his ……………, cooked a meal with his …………… and gave a feast for his family.

2. Prophet Elijah taken to heaven in a ………………….

3. …………………….. was the title of the Syrian Kings also called as Kings of Aram

4. King Jehoash struck the ground ………… times with the arrows. 

Give short answers:

1. What were the “schools of prophets”?


2. How did Prophet Elisha part the Jordan River?


3. How did Prophet Elisha help to defeat the Arameans?


4. What was the miracle that happened through Prophet Elisha after he died? 

Answer in brief:

1. List the miracles done by Prophet Elisha. How did Prophet Elisha heal the waters of Jericho city?


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