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Thursday, October 19, 2023

King Solomon asks for Wisdom, Sub-junior - I, Lesson - 18


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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King Solomon was the son of King David. He ruled over Israel. King David was one of the bravest and greatest Kings of Israel. God had told King David that his son Solomon would be Israel’s next king.  Therefore, before he died, King David instructed Solomon about his royal responsibilities and duties. Along with the instructions regarding his royal duties, King David also told Solomon to seek God and to serve Him faithfully.

As soon as he became King, Solomon went to the Tabernacle of God set up in a place called Gibeon to thank and worship God. The Tabernacle of God was a special tent where the Israelites went to offer sacrifices and worship God in the olden days. The Tabernacle of God was set up in Gibeon, a few miles northwest of Jerusalem by King David(2 Samuel 6:17). There King Solomon offered 1000 burnt offerings and prayed to God. 

That night while Solomon was sleeping, God appeared to him in a dream. God told Solomon to ask him whatever he wanted and that would be granted to him. King Solomon didn’t hesitate for a moment. He told God that he had inherited a great nation and large number of people to rule over, so he needed an understanding heart and discernment to know right from wrong to judge God’s people fairly.

God was very happy with King Solomon’s choice. King Solomon did not ask for long life, more riches, or for the destruction of his enemies but he asked for understanding and wisdom to decide fairness for the people. God told Solomon that He would give Solomon what he requested. He would give Solomon wisdom and knowledge and Solomon would be a very wise man. God then told Solomon that He would give Solomon the things he didn't ask God for too, like unmatched wealth, riches and honour. It happened just as God told him. There wasn't ever any man like Solomon before and there wouldn't ever be anyone like him again in wisdom and prosperity!

Few days later King Solomon’s wisdom was put to the test! Two women came to King Solomon with a problem. They told him that they both lived in the same house and both of them had a baby within a short time of each other. There wasn’t anyone else at the home. One night while the women were sleeping, one of the women rolled over on top of her baby by mistake and the baby died. The woman felt terrible, she wanted the baby desperately so she quietly switched the babies. She left the dead baby beside the other woman in the bed and took the baby that was alive.

When the other woman woke in the morning to feed her baby, she saw that the baby was dead and when she checked the baby, she knew that it was not her baby. But the other woman refused to accept that the dead baby was hers. So, there was a fight between the two women and now they wanted King Solomon to help them find the true mother of these babies.

King Solomon patiently listened to both the women, but he did not give any reply to them. He gave an order to his soldiers to bring him a sword. They brought a sword and King Solomon ordered the soldier to divide the living baby in two and give the two women each a half of the living baby. Everyone was surprised by the king’s order. The true mother of the baby was shocked, she did not want the baby to die, she pleaded with the king not to kill the baby, but to give it to the other woman itself. But the other woman was unconcerned. She calmly told the king to cut the baby into two halves and to hand over one half to each of them and that would be a fair decision.

Now King Solomon knew which one of these was the true mother and which was not. King Solomon told his soldiers to give the living baby to the first woman, because she was the true mother. A mother loves her baby very much and would never want it hurt. King Solomon gave the baby to its true mother. All the Israelites understood that King Solomon was really wise and they accepted that God had given him special wisdom. The Holy Bible also tells us that men from all the nations and kings from all over the world came to hear Solomon's wisdom. (1 Kings 4:34)

What is wisdom?  There are two kinds of wisdom, man’s wisdom (worldly wisdom) and God’s wisdom. Being smart or exceptionally skilled and getting outstanding marks in school or college may indicate high intelligence and such people may have worldly wisdom. But the Holy Bible teaches us about another type of wisdom called the Godly wisdom. Godly wisdom is knowing God and following His words. Godly wisdom comes from God's word, the Holy Bible (Psalms 119:98 - 100). God’s words tell us how to lead a successful and purposeful life that pleases God. Having godly wisdom brings true peace and satisfaction (James 3:17,18).

Bible Reference: I Kings 3

Memory Verse: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)  


Answer the following questions:

1. Who ruled Israel after King David?


2. Where did King Solomon go to worship God?


3. Who appeared to King Solomon in his dream?


4. How did the baby die?


5. Who did not want the baby to die?


Choose the best answer

1.   King Solomon was the son of King ………

a) Saul                 b) David                    c) Daniel

2. Solomon went to the Tabernacle of God in a place called

     a) Gibeon            b) Egypt                   c) Syria

3. King Solomon asked God for ………….

     a) Riches              b) Wisdom            c) Clothes

4. King Solomon gave an order to his soldiers to bring him a

     a) Crown                 b) Sandal                  c) Sword

5. King Solomon gave the baby to its true ……………...
a) Sister                  b) Aunt                c) Mother


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