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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Barzillai is kind to David, Kinder - I, Lesson - 18


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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David the little shepherd boy we saw in the previous lesson, grew up and became a king. Once King David was in trouble and he had to walk through the desert for a long time. Then he and his friends reached a place called Mahanaim. They were tired and hungry and needed help. Have you ever been hungry? How do you feel when you are hungry?

Desert in Israel

In the olden days there were no shops or malls available on the roadside to purchase food and other necessities. Travellers mostly depended on their own provisions or the kindness of the strangers. So David and his friends too faced lots of difficulties when they reached Mahanaim. 

A kind old man named Barzillai heard that David and his friends had reached Mahanaim after travelling for a long time.  Barzillai knew that David and his friends would be hungry and need some food. He also wanted to make them feel welcome and make their stay comfortable.

So, Barzillai brought sleeping mats, cooking pots, serving bowls, wheat and barley, flour and roasted grain, beans, lentils, honey, butter, sheep, goats, and cheese for David and his friends to provide for their needs. King David and his friends was very happy to see his old friend Barzillai. He was also encouraged and strengthened by Barzillai’s help and kindness. King David did not forget Barzillai’s kindness and he promised to protect and honour Barzillai’s children. 

Bible Reference: II Samuel 17: 27 – 29; I Kings 2:7

Memory Verse: And do not forget to do good and to share with others.  (Hebrews 13:16a NIV)

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