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Sunday, July 30, 2023

Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon, Primary - I, Lesson - 17


AGE: 6 - 7 YEARS


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Solomon was the son of King David. He succeeded King David as the King of Israel. As soon as he became King, Solomon went to the Tabernacle of God set up in a place called Gibeon to thank and worship God. The Tabernacle of God was a special tent where the Israelites went to offer sacrifices and worship God in the olden days. That night while King Solomon was sleeping, God appeared to him in a dream and told him to ask whatever he wanted and that would be given to him. King Solomon knew what he needed. He asked God for wisdom to judge God’s people fairly, because he was young. God was very happy with King Solomon’s request for wisdom. God gave Solomon wisdom and knowledge and also the things he didn't ask God for too, like great wealth, riches and honour.

Solomon’s father, King David wanted to build a Temple for God at Jerusalem. But God told him that his son Solomon should build it. So, when Solomon became the king, Solomon built this magnificent Temple of God at Jerusalem with very expensive materials. King Solomon was prosperous and wise than all the other kings of the earth. He wrote many of the wise sayings in the Book of Proverbs. He wrote more than a thousand songs. He also taught about trees, animals, birds, reptiles and fishes. All the kings of the earth wanted to meet King Solomon to hear the wisdom God had given him. Everyone who came brought gift articles of silver and gold, and robes, weapons and spices, horses and mules, things that were considered very precious in the ancient days.

There was a faraway land called the land of Sheba, and the queen who ruled Sheba heard of King Solomon's fame and his wisdom. She wanted to have an audience with King Solomon and to test his wisdom with some hard questions. She arrived at Jerusalem with a very great camel caravan carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones. A camel caravan is a series of camels carrying travellers and goods on a long journey especially across the desert. 

She came to Solomon and asked many difficult questions. King Solomon answered all her questions and nothing was too hard for the king to explain to her. 

The Queen of Sheba said to the King that before she came, she did not believe what had been told her in her own land of his wisdom and greatness, but now she saw that everything that was told about King Solomon’s wisdom and the splendour of his kingdom is true. She also realized that not even the half of it had been made known to her. She exclaimed “Happy are those who are always before you to hear your wisdom! Blessed be the Lord thy God, who has set thee on the throne of Israel!"

The Queen of Sheba gave the King lots of gold, large quantities of spices, and precious stones. In the ancient days spices such as black pepper, cardamom, cloves etc. were found in only certain parts of the world. So, they were rare and considered precious. The precious stones were used as beautiful decorative ornaments, religious symbols, and good-luck charms. They were also used for barter. Barter is the method by which goods were bought and sold through exchanging for other goods and not with the use of money. King Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for, besides what he had given her out of his royal treasury. Then, after a memorable visit, the Queen and her caravan went back to the land of Sheba. 

Bible Reference: I Kings 10, II Chronicles 9

Memory Verse: Happy is the man who finds wisdom,
And the man who gains understanding; (Proverbs 3:13)



Answer the following questions:

1. What did King Solomon ask God for?


2. Who built the Temple of God at Jerusalem?


3. Why did the Queen of Sheba want an audience with King Solomon?


4. Write about any two special things Queen of Sheba saw in Jerusalem?


5. What did the Queen of Sheba give King Solomon?


State True or False

1.  As soon as he became King, Solomon went to visit a faraway land. (     )

2. King David wrote many of the wise sayings in the Book of Proverbs. (     )

3. King Solomon could not answer all the questions of Queen of Sheba (     )

4. The Queen of Sheba did not believe what had been told about King Solomon before she came to visit. (     )

5. King Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for. (    )

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