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Sunday, July 30, 2023

David the Little Shepherd Boy, Kinder - I, Lesson - 17


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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David was a little shepherd boy who lived in a city called Bethlehem. He had seven elder brothers. He took very good care of his sheep and kept them safe. David was very brave and courageous because he knew God was with him.

Sometimes wild animals came from the dense forest to take the sheep and lambs for food. No one can predict from which direction these animals would come. Usually these wild animals would hide behing rocks or bushes and suddenly pounce on the grazing sheep or lamb and carry them away. So David had to be watchful and protect his sheep. 

David never let any of the wild animals carry away his sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried away a sheep from the flock, David went after the wild animal, struck it with a club (a thick stick; also called as a rod) or used a sling-shot and rescued the sheep from its mouth.

David knew that he too had a shepherd who loved him and protected him. He loved God and sang praises to Him. David was very skilled in playing a musical instrument called the “harp.” 

David wrote many beautiful songs when he grew up, which we read in the Book of Psalms in the Holy Bible. God helped David to defeat a big giant called Goliath who tried to scare the Israelite people. 

God was very happy with David, because David always wanted to please God. He was also quick to ask sorry, whenever he made a mistake. God made him the king of Israel when he grew up.

Bible Reference: I Samuel 16: 18 - 21

Memory Verse: I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever (Psalm 89:1a NIV) 

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