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Monday, March 7, 2022

Donkey Speaks to Balaam, Kinder - I, Lesson - 13


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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Balaam was a prophet in a country called Midian. A prophet is a person through whom God speaks. The Israelites were on a long journey from Egypt to Canaan. They travelled and came near a place called Moab. Balak, the King of Moab got scared when he saw the Israelites near his country and thought of a plan to defeat them.

Jack Foster / MrBibleHead.blogspot.com

Balak invited Balaam, the prophet to curse the Israelites. Balak thought that Balaam’s curse would weaken the Israelites. Balak offered to give Balaam lot of money. Balaam was tempted by the offer and he went along with Balak’s men, but God was not happy. God did not want anyone to curse or say bad things about the Israelites.

Jack Foster / MrBibleHead.blogspot.com

On the way, the Angel of God came against Balaam. Balaam’s donkey saw the angel and turned off the road into a field. 

Jack Foster / MrBibleHead.blogspot.com

Balaam got angry and beat the donkey. The donkey spoke to Balaam and said “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?”

Jack Foster / MrBibleHead.blogspot.com

God opened Balaam’s eyes. He saw the angel standing with a drawn sword. Balaam realized his mistake and offered to go back. Then the Angel of the Lord told Balaam to go with the men but to speak only the word that He (God) speaks to him.

Jack Foster / MrBibleHead.blogspot.com

Bible Reference: Numbers 22:1-34

Memory Verse: Teach me your way, O Lord (Psalm 86:11a)

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