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Monday, March 29, 2021

Protecting the Fruit Trees, Kinder - I, Lesson - 11


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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Click this link to get Kinder lessons from 1 - 15

Can you name few trees that you can think of? God created trees and gave them to us to use and appreciate. We plant trees around our home for shade and to beautify our surrounding. Trees are not only beautiful but they are beneficial to us in many ways.

John Paul Stanley / YoPlace.com.

Have you seen bird’s nest on trees and animals resting under the shade of trees? Many trees produce fruits with seeds in it and various parts of the plants and trees can be used as food. Sometimes they can be used as medicine also. God gave seed-bearing plants and trees for our use, and also as food for animals.

John Paul Stanley / YoPlace.com.

God does not permit wasteful destruction of His creation. When the Israelites were returning from Egypt and were on their way to Canaan, God gave them many commandments to obey. One of the commandments was not to cut down fruit-bearing trees that could provide them food.

When the Israelites travelled to a foreign place to capture it and if they wanted to build a shelter for themselves, they could cut trees that don’t produce fruits, but they should not cut a fruit-bearing tree with an axe, because that tree could provide food for them later. Thus, God taught the Israelites the importance of trees for their livelihood. 
Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org.

From this lesson we learn that God cares about His creation and we should take care of nature that God has freely given us to enjoy.


Bible Portion: Deuteronomy 20:19,20

Memory Verse: The trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted. (Psalm 104:16 NIV)

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