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Friday, July 1, 2022

Samuel - Asked of the Lord, Sub-Junior, Lesson - 14


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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In this lesson, we are going to learn about the birth story of one of the most important and also the last judge of Israel called Samuel. A man named Elkanah lived in the hill country of Ephraim, in a place called Ramathaim. He was from the Levi Tribe (I Chronicles 6:16 - 28). His wife’s name was Hannah. Hannah did not have any children. Elkanah had another wife also, whose name was Peninnah. Peninnah had many children.

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Three times a year all the Israelite men would make a special journey to the Tabernacle at Shiloh to offer sacrifices. Every year Elkanah took his family to worship and offer sacrifices at the Tabernacle. Hannah too went along with her husband Elkanah on their annual journey to the Temple at Shiloh.

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In the olden days animals were sacrificed as part of worship. At those times Elkanah always gave a portion of meat to Peninnah and her children to offer as a sacrifice. Because of his love for Hannah, Elkanah gave her a double portion. But this did not cheer Hannah up, since Peninnah made fun of her, which made her desperate and she wouldn’t eat.

Once on their journey to the Tabernacle, Elkanah offered the sacrifice and they finished eating and drinking. But Hannah quietly slipped away to pray at the Tabernacle. Eli the priest was sitting on the seat by the doorpost of the Tabernacle of the Lord. Hannah was very sad that she did not have a child, so she wept and prayed fervently. Her distress was evident. Hannah made a vow before God saying, if the Lord would give her a son, she would dedicate him to the Lord’s service to serve God all the days of his life and his hair will never be cut.  A vow is a promise or pledge, made to God. Hannah was so intense in prayer that she didn’t notice Eli observing her.

The High Priest Eli who was sitting by the doorpost, observed Hannah moving her lips without sound. He was confused and wrongly concluded that she was drunk with wine, which made her to speak that way. He immediately reprimanded her for being drunk at the Tabernacle. That is because drinking alcoholic drinks intoxicates people and makes them to lose their judgement and act or speak in inappropriate ways. Hannah explained that she was not drunk but was praying in this manner because of her sorrow. Eli, the High Priest realized his mistake and immediately blessed her for her prayers to be answered. Hannah’s sadness and bitterness left her after she prayed at the Tabernacle, she went her way and did not stay hungry and upset anymore. She ate food, and her face was no longer sad.

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Elkanah and Hannah returned home, shortly after that a son was born to Hannah. She was overjoyed and named her son “Samuel” saying, “I have asked for him from the Lord.” Hannah did not forget the vow she had made before God. After Samuel was weaned and started to eat solid food, Hannah took Samuel to the Tabernacle at Shiloh to be brought up by Eli. Hannah returned home, leaving Samuel to serve the Lord in the Tabernacle.

God blessed Hannah and Elkanah with three more sons and two daughters. Every year Hannah made a new coat for Samuel and took it to him when she went to the Tabernacle to offer the yearly sacrifice and to worship the Lord.


Samuel served God in the Tabernacle. Samuel grew up to be one of the important prophets in Israel’s history.

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Bible reference: I Samuel 1

Memory verse: Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. (John 16:24)


Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Elkanah live?


2. To whom did Elkanah give the double portion?


3. Who was sitting at the seat near the doorpost in the Tabernacle?


4. Why did Hannah name her son Samuel?


5. Hannah took Samuel to Shiloh to be brought up by whom?


Answer Yes or No

1. Peninnah had children (       )

2. Elkanah did not worship God (       )

3. Eli thought Hannah was drunk (        )

4. Hannah forgot her vow (      )

5. Hannah made a new coat for Samuel every year (       )

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