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Monday, October 7, 2024

The Shunammite's son restored to life, Junior - I, Lesson - 20


AGE: 10 - 11 YEARS


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In the previous lesson we learnt about one of the greatest prophets of Israel called Prophet Elijah. He had a servant named Elisha. After Elijah’s prophetic ministry was fulfilled on this earth, a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha, his servant received a double portion of the special prophetic and miracle-working gifts of Elijah to continue the prophetic ministry. During Prophet Elisha’s days many young prophets lived together as a community, called as “school of prophets”. There were many schools of prophets established in various cities of Israel. Prophet Elisha visited and lived with the young prophets often. Prophet Elisha had a servant named Gehazi.

Prophet Elisha performed many miracles and this particular miracle happened during the reign of Jehoram, an Israelite king. During his travels Prophet Elisha often passed through a town called Shunem. Shunem was a village that belonged to the tribe of Issachar, located near a valley called Jezreel (Joshua 19:18). Ancient travels were much different from the modern ones. In ancient Israel, in places where it was difficult to find lodging, travellers, especially Israelites could be expected to be invited into someone’s home for a meal and stay. Such hospitality was considered honorable and it was valued. We could find many such examples in the Holy Bible.

There was a wealthy, respectable woman who lived in the town of Shunem. She invited Prophet Elisha to her home for a meal. After that, whenever he was in Shunem, he visited and stayed with the woman’s family. The woman recognized Prophet Elisha as a true prophet and a holy man of God and suggested to her husband to set up a guest room for Elisha in their home. She also wanted to furnish the room with a bed, a table, a chair and a lamp. Soon, they constructed a room and furnished it according to the woman’s wish. Prophet Elisha stayed in the guest room of the Shunammite woman whenever he visited Shunem. The name of the woman is not mentioned in the Holy Bible, and she is referred to as the Shunammite woman because she belonged to the town of Shunem.

Once while visiting that family, Prophet Elisha asked the woman what he could do for her since she had taken so much effort for him. He had his servant Gehazi ask her if she needed any help or she wanted him to speak on her behalf with the king or the commander of the army. The woman replied that everything was fine; she lived in safety and was well off. However, Prophet Elisha was not convinced, so he asked his servant, Gehazi, how he could help the woman in return for her hospitality. Gehazi mentioned that she had no son and her husband was old. Prophet Elisha then called the woman and told her she would have a son by that time next year. Instead of being happy, the woman told Prophet Elisha not to deceive her. The woman may have been disappointed earlier, so she didn’t want to have any false hope.

However, Prophet Elisha’s words came true and the woman had a child the next year. One day, the Shunammite woman’s husband went to harvest their field and the little boy also accompanied him. When the little boy was in the field with his father, he said, “My head, my head”, indicating some kind of discomfort in his head. Immediately, the father asked a servant to take the child to his mother. A few hours later, the boy died on his mother’s lap. 


The mother did something unusual. She did not tell anyone that the child had died. She took the child upstairs to Prophet Elisha’s room and laid him on his bed. Then she sent a message to her husband, asking him to send a servant and a donkey to visit the man of God (Prophet Elisha). Her husband was intrigued and asked her why she wanted to visit the prophet, because it was an ordinary day and not a Sabbath day or a special day. She did not give any specific reply, instead just replied that all is well, yet she wanted to visit Prophet Elisha.

Even though, the husband did not get a specific reply, he sent a donkey and a servant. The woman saddled the donkey and asked the servant to ride it. She gave strict instructions to the servant not to halt anywhere until they reached their destination at Mount Carmel, where Prophet Elisha was residing. When she neared Prophet Elisha’s home, the prophet noticed the Shunammite woman and asked Gehazi, his servant, to meet her and ask about her and her family members' wellbeing. The woman once again replied to Gehazi that all is well. The reason for her not revealing the death of her child to Gehazi, could be because, she did not want the intervention of anyone else other than the man of God himself. The woman quickly went and caught Prophet Elisha’s feet. In some cultures, holding someone’s feet is a gesture of humility and supplication. Prophet Elisha’s servant Gehazi, thought that she was bothering him and came near to push her away. But the man of God told him to leave her alone.

Prophet Elisha understood that the woman was in deep sorrow and distress. Prophet Elisha wondered why the Lord had hidden it from him. The woman hinted the reason for her distress when she told the prophet that she did not ask for a son on the first place but was given one. The woman even reminded Prophet Elisha how she had told him not to give false hope and deceive her, when she was first told about having a child.

Prophet Elisha understood that something was not right with the child, so he told his servant Gehazi to rush to the woman’s home and asked him to place his staff on the boy’s face. A staff is a very long cane, used predominantly as walking sticks or as support to rest upon during long walks. Prophet Elisha told Gehazi not to greet anyone on the way and also not to respond to anyone’s greetings. Meanwhile, the woman told Prophet Elisha that she would not leave the Prophet, until she got an answer. So, Prophet Elisha got up and went along with that woman to her house. Gehazi went ahead of them and did just as Prophet Elisha told him. He laid the staff on the child’s face, but the child did not move or respond. Gehazi came back and reported to the prophet that the child did not wake up.

Prophet Elisha arrived at the woman’s home in Shunem and went upstairs to his room where the mother had laid the child. He saw the child lying dead on his bed. So, he went in and shut the door behind the two of them and prayed to the Lord. Then he went up and laid on the child, putting his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands. As he did that, the child’s body became warm. 

Then the Prophet got up, walked back and forth in the house, and once again laid on the child. The child sneezed seven times, opened his eyes and his life was restored. Prophet Elisha called the mother and asked her to take her son. The woman fell at his feet, bowed to the ground and took her child who was restored to life.

Bible Reference: II Kings 4:8 - 37

Memory Verse: Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:1,2)

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  Click this link to get Sunday School Guidelines (Part - 2) - Effective & Creative Teaching methods for Sunday School 

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Fill in the blanks:

1. Prophet Elisha had a servant named ……………….

2. The Shunammite woman sent a message to her husband, asking him to send a servant and a …………….. to visit the man of God.

3. Prophet Elisha told his servant Gehazi to rush to the Shunammite woman’s home and place his ……………. on the child’s face.

4. When Prophet Elisha laid on the child, the child sneezed …………… times.

Give short answers:

1. What were the furniture added by the Shunammite woman in Prophet Elisha’s guest room?


2. What was the response of the Shunammite woman when her husband asked her why she wanted to visit the Prophet?


3. What did the woman do when her son died?


4. What did Prophet Elsha ask Gehazi to do when the Shunammite woman caught his leg?


Answer in brief:

1. How was the Shunammite woman’s dead son restored back to life?

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Healing of Naaman, Sub-junior - I, Lesson - 20


AGE: 8 - 9 YEARS


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In this lesson we are going to learn about the miraculous healing of a Syrian man named Naaman through Prophet Elisha. Prophet Elisha was the servant of another great prophet of Israel called Elijah. Prophet Elijah is considered very special because he is one of the two people mentioned in the Holy Bible who did not die. When Elijah’s work as a prophet was completed on this earth, a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and Elijah was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elijah’s special prophetic and miracle-working gifts were passed on to Elisha to continue the prophetic ministry. Prophet Elisha had a servant named Gehazi.

During those days there were constant wars between Israel and Syria. Naaman was a commander of the king’s army in Aram* (Aram was an ancient Kingdom that included Syria). The King of Syria, Ben-Hadad* thought very highly of Naaman because he had won many battles for Syria. But Naaman was affected by a terrible skin disease called leprosy*. 

It was one of the most dreadful diseases of ancient times since people afflicted with it were separated from their friends and family. They were forced to live outside the city gate, away from others to avoid spreading of the disease. Because of Naaman’s position, maybe he was permitted to stay in the city in his own home.

During those days there was a battle between Syria and Israel. The Syrians captured many Israelites and brought them back to Syria as slaves. One of those slaves was a young girl who was taken to Naaman’s home to serve his wife. While this young girl served Naaman’s wife, she saw Naaman suffering from leprosy. Even though she lived in a foreign land she remembered the God of Israel and Elisha, the prophet of God who had worked many miracles. Though most people in Israel at that time rebelled against God and worshipped Baal, this young girl still believed in God. She knew that Prophet Elisha was a man of God and could heal Naaman. Instead of being bitter towards her captors she decided to share the good news with Naaman’s wife. She told Naaman’s wife that a prophet in Samaria named Elisha could heal Naaman. Samaria was the capital of the Kingdom of Israel.


Naaman’s wife in turn told Naaman what the Israelite servant girl had told her. Naaman then went to his master, the King of Syria and told him what the little girl had said. The King of Syria was concerned about Naaman. He wanted his best and devoted army commander to be healed. The King of Syria readily wrote a letter addressed to the King of Israel asking him to heal Naaman. Naaman took the King’s letter, as well as some expensive gifts to give to the one who heals him. He took 10 talents of silver, 6,000 shekels of gold and 10 sets of clothing. 

When Naaman arrived in Israel he gave the letter written by the King of Syria to the King of Israel. The King of Israel at that time was Jehoram, the son of Ahab and Jezebel, the most wicked king and queen to have ever ruled Israel. When the King of Israel read the letter, he was troubled and scared because he knew that he did not have the power to cure anyone. He thought Ben-Hadad was looking for an opportunity to start a war with him. He did not have any miracle working power, yet if he refused to heal Naaman, the king of Syria would be provoked. He was distraught and he even tore his clothes.

When Prophet Elisha heard about Naaman and the letter sent to the King of Israel. He sent messengers to bring Naaman to him for healing. He wanted Naaman to know that there was still a prophet of God in Israel. So Naaman travelled to meet Prophet Elisha. He and his servants came to the place where Prophet Elisha was staying. Elisha heard the noise of Naaman’s company and knew that Naaman had arrived. But Prophet Elisha did not go out to meet or greet Naaman. He sent his servant and told Naaman to go and wash himself seven times in the Jordan river; then his flesh would be restored and cleansed.

Jordan river in Israel

Naaman was furious! He had thought that Elisha would come out and greet him, say some special prayer over him and wave his arms and he would be healed. Naaman thought it was an insulting idea to ask him to go and take bath in the Jordan River, and that too in a country he was not very fond of! He thought it would have been better if the prophet had asked him to wash himself in the rivers that ran through his own country. Damascus had many pristine water bodies. The waters from mountain streams such as Abana and Pharpar in Damascus were crystal clear and much better than the muddied waters of Jordan. 

The Abana River in Syria (Currently known as the Nahr Barada)
The Pharapar River in Syria (Currently known as the A'waj)

Naaman was enraged and wanted to return to Syria. But his servants urged him to obey the prophet. If the prophet had asked him to do something great, he would have done it. But the prophet had asked him to do such a simple act.

Naaman decided to give it a try and went down in the Jordan River, just like Prophet Elisha told him to. He dipped himself seven times in the Jordan River and was miraculously healed of the terrible disease! His skin looked flawless and was as soft and smooth as a little child’s skin.

Naaman was excited. He wanted to honour Prophet Elisha. So, he went back to Prophet Elisha’s house and offered him all the expensive and exotic gifts he had brought from Aram. But Prophet Elisha would not accept the gifts. He told Naaman how to be healed only because he wanted Naaman to know that the God of Israel is real. Naaman was convinced and made a promise to Prophet Elisha that he would worship the God of Israel from then on. He left Prophet Elisha’s home and began his journey back to Aram. 

Teacher’s Notes:

*Aram was not a single empire but consisted of many small nations and states, which included Syria. Damascus was one of the influential cities of Aram. It comprised of the region to the East of the Jordan, but extending in the North over most of Northern Syria. was also called Paddan-aram in the Old Testament (Genesis 25:20) or field of Aram (Hosea 12:12). The Arameans were a Semitic race. Aram was called a son (descendant) of Shem (Genesis 10:22). He was also called a grandson of Nahor, the brother of Abraham (Genesis 22:21).

*Ben-Hadad was the title name given to the kings of Syria, just like the title “Pharaoh,” that was given to the kings of Egypt. Ben-Hadad II was the King of Syria when this miracle occurred.

*According to Biblical scholars, the leprosy mentioned in the Holy Bible is not the same leprosy, also called as Hansen’s disease that occurs in the modern times. The Hebrew word for leprosy given in the Holy Bible is Tzaarat. Leviticus chapters 13 & 14 explain the symptoms of Tzaarat in detail.

Bible Reference: II Kings 5 

Memory Verse: I, the Lord, search the heart,
I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings. (Jeremiah 17:10).

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Answer the following questions:

1. Who was the commander of the king’s army in Aram?


2. What did the little girl tell Naaman’s wife?


3. What did the King of Israel think when he received the letter from Naaman?


4. Why was Naaman angry with prophet Elisha?


5. Why happened when Naaman dipped in the Jordan river?


Match the Following

1.   Elisha                               - Streams

2.  Naaman                           - Servant

3.  Ben-Haddad                   - Prophet

4.  Gehazi                              - King

5.  Abana and Pharpar      - Army commander

Saturday, May 25, 2024

King Hezekiah is Healed, Primary - I, Lesson - 20


AGE: 6 - 7 YEARS


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There was a king called Hezekiah who ruled over the Kingdom of Judah. He was a righteous king. He loved God and obeyed His commandments. One time King Hezekiah became very ill. Prophet Isaiah lived in Israel at that time. While King Hezekiah was sick, God sent prophet Isaiah to him with a message. King Hezekiah was disappointed when he heard the message. Prophet Isaiah told King Hezekiah to make arrangements to hand over his responsibilities and set his house in order because he was not going to live long. King Hezekiah decided to ask God for help!

As soon as Prophet Isaiah left, King Hezekiah turned his face towards the wall and cried. He began to pray to God and pleaded with him to remember all the righteous things he had done for God. God listened to King Hezekiah’s prayers. 


God told Prophet Isaiah to go back to Hezekiah and tell him that He had heard his prayers and would heal him. In three days, King Hezekiah would be better enough to go to the Temple of God. God revealed through his prophet that He would add fifteen more years to King Hezekiah’s life. Prophet Isaiah did just as God told him to do. He went to King Hezekiah and told him what God said. Prophet Isaiah also instructed King Hezekiah’s servants to apply a lump of pressed figs on the boils causing his illness.  

Fig Fruits

King Hezekiah wanted a sign from the Lord that he would go to the Temple in three days and would live for fifteen more years. Prophet Isaiah asked him whether the shadow on the sundial of Ahaz should go forward ten degrees or go back ten degrees as a sign of his miraculous healing. King Hezekiah said it should go back ten degrees.

Do you know a long time ago people did not have watches or clocks to mark time? They would tell time by the shadows the sun would make as it moved across the sky! An instrument called sundial was used for this purpose. The sun cast a shadow on the dial and as the shadow moved with the declining sun, it would show the passing of time. Normally the shadow would move forward as the day progressed. But God’s sign to Hezekiah was to make the shadow cast by the sun move backwards by ten degrees. 

A Sundial

As King Hezekiah watched, a miracle happened! The shadow from the sun falling on the sundial retreated and moved backwards by ten degrees. King Hezekiah knew God would make him well, since it happened just as Prophet Isaiah told him. King Hezekiah’s servants applied a lump of pressed figs on the boils on his body as advised by Prophet Isaiah. 

King Hezekiah was healed from his illness and lived fifteen more years. King Hezekiah was thankful to God for his delivery. King Hezekiah composed a beautiful song of praise to be sung in the Temple of God with stringed instruments after recovering from his illness (Isaiah 38:20)

Holy Bible Reference: II Kings 20, Isaiah 38

Memory verse: Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me and I shall be saved, for You are my praise. (Jeremiah 17:14)

Teacher’s notes:

Even though, it is generally considered that the shadow went backwards in the sundial of Ahaz, there is an alternative explanation given by Bible scholars. The Hebrew word for sundial given in the Holy Bible is “maalah”, which is used to denote "steps" or "stairs" in the Old Testament. Jerusalem was built on a hilly region with two deep valleys. There were steps that descended eastward down the slope, with the Palace buildings on the top. This made the shadow of the Palace roof to fall upon the topmost step, and thereafter the shadow would move down the stairs to the end, as the day progressed. That is the shadow that had gone down ten of the steps (or 'degrees') and turned backward, which was given as a sign to King Hezekiah. According to historian Josephus (Antiquities, Book X, Chapter 2), the shadow had gone down ten steps of the staircase and then returned. 

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Answer the following questions:

1. Which Kingdom did King Hezekiah rule over?


2. Who came to visit King Hezekiah when he was ill?


3. How many years did God add to King Hezekiah’s life?


4. How many steps did King Hezekiah want the shadow to go back?


5. Prophet Isaiah told King Hezekiah’s servants to apply a lump of which fruit?


Match the following:

1. Hezekiah                      -              Time

2. Isaiah                           -               Pressed figs

3. Ahaz                             -              King

4. Hezekiah’s servants  -              Prophet                  

5. Shadow                        -               Sundial

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Prophet Elijah Prays for Rain, Kinder - I, Lesson - 20


AGE: 4 - 5 YEARS


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Once, a wicked king named Ahab reigned over Israel. He did not fear God and worshipped an idol named Baal. As a punishment, there was no rain over the land of Israel.

People in the olden days were dependent on rain for growing their crops. Rain makes the plants grow and gives food for the people. Without rain there will be scarcity of food and famine.

There was a prophet of God named Elijah who lived in Israel. After three years and six months, God sent Prophet Elijah to King Ahab to inform him that soon there would be rain in the land. Prophet Elijah found King Ahab and told him he could hear the sound of heavy rain. He also told the king to go and have some food. The land was dry and there was no sign of rain anywhere. But King Ahab believed Prophet Elijah and went to have his food.

Prophet Elijah took his servant and climbed up a mountain called Mount Carmel. Prophet Elijah began to pray. He put his head between his knees and prayed fervently. He believed that God would send rain. So, he sent his servant to look out toward the sea for rain clouds.

Do you know how we get rain?

Have you seen clouds in the sky? There are special types of clouds that produce rain. These clouds are made of water droplets. Within a cloud, these droplets continue to grow. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain.

Meanwhile, Prophet Elijah’s servant came back with news there was no cloud and the skies were clear. After sometime Prophet Elijah sent the servant to look again. The servant returned again saying that there were no clouds. This happened six times. When the servant went the seventh time, he saw a tiny cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea. Prophet Elijah believed that the tiny cloud was a sign from God that He is about to send rain.

Immediately, Prophet Elijah sent a message to King Ahab to get back home immediately before he got in the middle of a storm! As the sky grew dark with huge storm clouds, Prophet Elijah tucked his cloak into his belt and ran down the mountain. God gave Prophet Elijah special strength that he ran in front of King Ahab’s chariot all the way back to Jezreel where the king lived.

Bible Reference: I Kings 18: 1, 41-46

Memory Verse: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective – James 5:16 b (NIV).